Who are you?

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Gavin Sun watched her enter the building then instructed his driver, who is also his bodyguard, Gou to head to the office. Gavin was a true billionaire playboy. His chiseled facial features and obsidian like eyes drew everyone in. However, it was his physique that dominated over people. He was over 6' tall and built like the god Adonis himself. He was so handsome women literally threw themselves at him everywhere he went. Waitresses always pushed their chests into his line of sight hoping to be seen by him. If he went to the club, he always had no less than three women with him in his VIP section. He owned half the city's nightlife since he was the CEO of Sun Entertainment Group. They had offices all over China but the main office he kept in the city of BeiHai, because he loved being near where he grew up. His Father was almost 65 and his mother was 58. They weren't old by any stretch of the imagination, but they weren't young anymore either. They lived in the Sun family villa near the edge of town. BeiHai was known for its trade industry due to the shipyards. The Sun family grew to be wealthy off the international trade industry with foreign countries. And while Sun Jing hoped to have his son take over soon, Gavin wanted nothing to do with his father's company. Gavin started his entertainment company with restaurants, clubs, and of course a modeling and acting subsidiary just out of college. Most of the money Gavin made was from Sun Entertainment's successful movies.

Sun Entertainment produced a few music artists that had international fame, but he didn't bother much with that part of his company. His best friend from grade school ran the music side of the business.

Li Seong (pronounced Sung) was the real music mastermind and the President of Sun Music Group. He had an office in BeiHai as well as in Hong Kong. Seong split his time between the two but at this moment he was sitting in Gavin's office waiting on him. Seong was beginning to worry since it wasn't normal for Gavin to be late and had decided to send him a text just as Gavin arrived in his office.

"Hey! Where have you been? It's not like you to be late." Seong said half joking, half serious.

"I had something to take care of." Gavin said plainly without any further explanation as he took a seat behind his desk.

"We have a new singer onboard, and she is gaining some traction in the European markets." Seong went on to explain and filled Gavin in on the new singer.

Gavin was not listening to what Seong had to say because his mind was preoccupied with the beautiful girl on the beach. He still didn't know her name. He sent a text to Gou while Seong was talking. Seong saw this and momentarily stopped talking.

"Hey are you at work today? Or?????" Seong said with a laugh.

Gavin looked perplexed but didn't answer.

"Yeah, so I crashed the VRod into a sidewall and ran over a man. We will probably get sued and have to pay hefty fines. I may even be facing jail time." Seong said with a straight face.

"Wait! What? What did you just say?" Gavin finally heard something Seong said.

Seong burst out laughing.

"I was just seeing if you were listening."

"Yes. I mean no. Well... halfway listening." Gavin stammered.

"Man are you ok?" Seong was really concerned at this point. Gavin was never one to be absent minded.

"I'm fine." Gavin explained. "I just need to find out who someone is." He didn't offer any more and Seong knew not to push.

Lily had finished the first half of her day then rushed over to her favorite cafe to have some tea and a biscuit. She couldn't help but stare at the bracelet on her wrist as she sat there holding her teacup. Her mind drifted to the man who ran into her on the beach. It all happened so fast she didn't even see what his face looked like. She unconsciously ran her fingers along the beads lost in her thoughts. She felt a stirring inside of her but she dismissed it as soon as it happened.  Ling Sue walked into the cafe to meet her best friend for tea and couldn't help but admire the new bracelet on Lily's wrist.

"Lily!" She exclaimed as she strode over to her.

"Sue!" Lily stood to hug her best friend. Sue and Lily met in college their freshman year when they lived across the hall from one another. The story goes that when they met, they giggled so much over everything they seemed as if they were long lost sisters. They deemed themselves soul sisters and were always together from that moment on.

"What a gorgeous bracelet!" Sue was just as mesmerized as Lily had been when she saw it. "Did your dad gift that to you?"

"No. I don't know who gave it to me." Lily said cautiously.

"Where did it come from?" Sue was intrigued.

Lily explained about the strange man on the beach and the package with the note. Sue had a dreamy look in her eyes and wondered out loud if this was some famous person who didn't want to be known. "You read too many romance novels!" Lily chastised her friend.

"What if he's a criminal and he stole it and you are wearing stolen jewelry." Sue gasped at the thought.

Lily thought for a fraction of a second then rolled her eyes at Sue. "You also have a wild imagination."

The two sat there chatting and giggling as always. Suddenly a menacing looking man in a dark suit with a long scar above his left eye approached them. Both girls instantly stopped chatting and looked up at this man with curiosity and slight fear.

"Who are you?" The man said coldly to Lily.

"Excuse me?" She was stunned by the brazenness of this stranger.

"Who are you?" He said again.

"Sir, I do not know you, and I am not inclined to tell you who I am. You should mind your manners when you speak to a lady." Lily said very firmly.

"My employer wants to know who you are." He said flatly.

"Well, I suggest you tell your employer to ask me himself." Lily was not playing any games with this man. She worried he would find out she was the youngest daughter of the Yi family, and his employer was another suitor for her hand in marriage. She had grown to dislike the suitors who sent someone else to do their bidding. She wasn't going to be married off to some man who couldn't take the time to seek her himself. Lily quietly stood leaving the usual number of yuan on the table for the tea and biscuits. She grabbed Sue by the hand pulling her to leave as well. "Come on we will be late to class."

Lily left Gou standing there looking at her back as she walked away.

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