Enchantress L

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Gavin sat in the private dining suite listening to the business banter all around him. Seong had asked him to come to this dinner meeting about the new songstress, not because he wanted Gavin to make any decisions but just to have his best friend go out with him. After dinner they were going to go one of Sun Entertainment's clubs and have a few drinks. When they had entered the restaurant moments earlier Gavin halted in his steps. He knew his men were watching his beautiful enchantress but no one had informed him she was here. There she was sitting with her friend laughing and smiling. He was enthralled all over again. Seong stopped beside him and looked at Gavin suspiciously.

"You ok?" He asked.

Gavin gave a quick nod and kept moving forward toward the private suites.

Seong just shook off the moment and kept chatting with the two other men that accompanied them.

Gavin had excused himself once they were seated to meet outside with one of the men in his security team and scribbled a quick note. He instructed his man to deliver the note to her and ensure her bill for the night was paid. He was lost in thought when his man walked in and whispered something in his ear then handed him the opened note back.

Gavin raised his eyebrows when he saw she sent the note back. He quietly opened the note and read her message.

I don't know who you are or why you keep harassing me. If you want to know who I am or why I do things try asking yourself. Stop following me like a stalker! -L

"L" Gavin stared at the letter. Just the letter "L." Her name started with the letter L. He had already tried the conventional method of finding her name by searching for the lease of the address. But the apartment was leased by the Yi Corporation and no single name was attached to it. The Yi Corporation was a large entity, although not nearly as large as the Sun Industries, it would still be difficult to narrow down the exact name. The mail for the resident went to the Yi Corporation as well. All the normal avenues Gavin and his security team would use were all dead ends. Short of using illegal means, which Gavin had access to, he couldn't find out her name in such a short period of time. Gavin's lips curled in a half smile. She was toying with him, challenging him, and provoking him. He loved her all the more now.

When Seong finished with the business associates, he took the last sip of the wine in his glass and stared at Gavin quietly.

"You are rather distracted lately." Seong said.

Gavin just tilted his head and didn't say anything.

"What's with the note?" Seong pointed to the envelop on the table.

"A Challenge." Gavin said amused.

Seong knew his friend could be very quiet about personal matters and never pressed him. But he could already tell this involved a woman.

"Come on let's go to the club." Seong stood up and grabbed his jacket.

Gavin stood alongside him and they both strode out of the private suite together. Gavin was a few inches taller than Seong but his aura and his demeanor made him seem to be several feet taller. Gavin was always cool and aloof, whereas Seong was playful and charming. When they entered Gavin's exclusive entrance to the club the sound of techno music filled their ears. The beats bounced off the walls and you could feel the rhythm in your chest. Gavin scanned the crowd through the glass windows of his suite. He could see out but no one could see in. They were mirrored to the crowd. Bodies were jumping and dancing and lights were swirling. People were drinking and laughing. It was a typical Friday night in the club.

His security team stood outside his door, except for Gou. Gou was the one he trusted the most. He was ex military and studied martial arts from the time he could walk. Gou had been protecting Gavin from the moment he stepped out of the Sun Villa as the young Master of the Sun household. He was at least 20 years his senior. Gavin truly never bothered to ask his age. Gou wasn't married - his marriage was to his job and his job was protecting young Master Sun. Gou knew everything about Gavin's life. The women, the partying, the backdoor deals, even the illegal circle deals. Gavin didn't dabble much into the illegal circles since he had a legitimate business but there were times where it was necessary. Only a few people in his trusted circle were allowed into this room. Gavin didn't allow women in this room ever. They were all expendable temporary fun anyway. At that moment, the club general manager Mr. Young, walked in through a side door.

"Boss! I didn't expect you tonight." He bowed as he spoke.

"Last minute decision." Was the only explanation Gavin was going to give.

Seong rolled his eyes and knew Gavin liked to keep his clubs guessing as to where he would show up. Kept them honest and on their toes. Never knowing if the boss was coming was a simple way to keep people in check. Some nights he visited more than one club.

"Is there anything I can get you? Drinks? Special ladies?" Mr. Young asked.

"NO!" Gavin authoritatively yelled out.

This reaction took everyone by surprise and most especially Seong. Gavin was known as a playboy. If some girl had more than one date with him she was lucky but she knew what she was getting. Usually those types of girls lasted a week or two and then Gavin was bored with them.

Gavin cleared his throat and scanned the room peering at the stunned expressions looking at him.

"What I mean is..... I don't want any women tonight. Just a bottle of wine for my friends and a mineral water for Gou." He then turned away from Mr. Young.

Seong walked over to where Gavin was standing and whistled a low whistle.

"Someone has caught your eye, and if I was a betting man, I would say your heart." Seong said. "Who is she?"

"That's just it. I don't know who she is." Gavin said staring out the window looking at the crowd.

"Well how did you meet?"

"I purposefully ran into her at the beach." He said simply.

Seong laughed. "What do you mean you purposefully ran into her at the beach?"

Gavin didn't explain any more. He wasn't in the habit of explaining himself to people. Seong had been long used to Gavin's way of doing things. But this was the first time he had ever heard of Gavin going out of his way for a woman. Women flocked to Gavin. Not the other way around.

After a few moments Gavin's breath caught and he saw her - his enchantress "L" had just walked into the club. Her hair was now down instead of the bun it had been in at the restaurant. His fingers twitched at the chance to touch her beautiful face and run through her hair. She looked like an angel in the club. While others dressed in more revealing outfits and had tons of makeup on their face, she was in a simple dress and her face was pure. His heart started beating hard within his chest like the music out on the dance floor. 

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