Need a New Apartment

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While all these other meetings and messages were occurring Gavin Sun arrived at his building, but he didn't use his direct elevators, he instead walked to the front doors of the building. The security team inside the building all stood up the moment Gavin set foot in the main lobby. They never saw Gavin unless it was a holiday. They all assumed he was there to give red envelopes like he always did. They were all smiles.

"Gentlmen." Gavin announced as he walked in. The four men in the lobby each bowed and greeted Gavin as "Young Master Sun" simultaneously. "I have red envelopes to give but this year they come with a request." Gavin announced. The four men looked to one another in surprise. "Anything for you." The older guard said, obviously the one in charge that day. "Good. I need an apartment for a friend in the same vicinity as my chef that will have direct access to my penthouse."

"Young Master, we don't really have one, but we could maybe move someone, but it may take a few days." The older man sounded concerned.

"Who is in the largest apartment under me?" Master Sun asked.

"No one at the time being, that is reserved by your father to use for his business associates. We would have to ask him permission to move someone in it."

"I could give up my apartment. It has direct access to your floor Sir." The youngest looking guard said interrupting.

"Where is your apartment?" Master Sun smiled as he asked him.

"It's on the South side of the building facing the water, about two floors down from you Sir." The young man explained.

"You have to still live in the building." The older man explained to the young man. "It's a job requirement."

"I..... well..... Sir....." The young man stammered. "I have a girlfriend. She's on the 10th floor. She and I have talked about moving in with one another, so I would still be in the building. I just would have to use the regular lifts to get to floors rather than the security lifts." He blushed as he explained.

"Done. I will have a cleaning crew at your apartment the day after National Holiday. You will get a larger bonus this year for this generous offer." Gavin Sun was smiling. The security staff apartments weren't large, like the lavish one under his penthouse that his father used, but they were still moderate in size and fully furnished. Moving Lily to his building just got a little easier. He would of course replace all the furnishings with brand new furniture for her. It would actually be an upgrade to the apartment she currently resided in. And although she wouldn't have direct access to the beach, she had a beach view and he would see to it she got to the beach whenever she wanted. Gavin was pleased with this outcome. He also was happy she would have access to the Security lifts. They could bypass floors at anytime. Gavin was going to see to it she used those lifts rather than the main lifts in the lobby.

"Thank you gentleman, I will have your red envelopes delivered in the morning. What is your name young man?" Gavin asked.

"Yang Huang, Sir." The young man looked down at the floor.

"Thank you Mr. Yang. If you need anything to facilitate your move let the building manager know it will be paid for by Sun Entertainment." Gavin turned to leave after their short interaction. He typed a message in his phone to his secretary to contact the manager of his building with instructions to ensure Yang Huang was taken care of with a bonus and that his move was completely by Saturday. He wanted furniture delivered and in place by the day after National Holiday. He took his personal lift to his penthouse suite and strode through his front door while texting. Gou grabbed his arm just as he was over the threshold and pulled him back. "Sir, your door was open." Gou was alarmed. Gavin hadn't noticed since he was busy texting in his phone. Gavin put his phone in his pocket and scolded himself internally for not being vigilant. "Let me check before you come in." Gou commanded rather than asked. Gavin let Gou walk through the home while he stood in the entryway. Nothing in the entry seemed out of the ordinary. There were fresh flowers in the arrangements that were red instead of the normal blue and teal flowers. But with it being the week before National Holiday that was not unusual. Gou returned letting Gavin know the home was all clear. "I am going to pull security footage Sir." Gou announced as Gavin headed toward his study. "Let me know if you find anything." Gavin didn't feel like it was anything serious, but they were better to be safe than sorry later. On the same note, Gavin sent a message to James.

Send an extra team to my building tonight.

Yes Sir. – James

Gavin picked up his phone and called his father.

"Two calls in one week, am I dying?" His father joked as he answered his son's call.

"Funny. No, I need the apartment below mine for a few days." Gavin didn't want to alarm his dad about a security issue, although he was sure to find out eventually, but he would address it when the time came.

"Sure. Business is on hold until after National Holiday anyway. I have no need for it. Everything ok?" His father sensed there was an issue.

"Yes. Everything is fine. Have some company coming, just wanted some extra space." Gavin told a half truth. He was going to have the extra security team stay there for a few days.

"Anything else?" Sun Jing asked.

"No. That was it." Gavin wanted off the phone before his mom found out.

"Don't forget to be here Saturday." His father reminded him.

"I am coming Friday." Gavin reassured him.

"See you then. I'm hanging up now."

Gavin hung up and sighed. He didn't dislike his mother, and truthfully he felt love and compassion for her, but her nosiness into his personal life had caused tension over the last few years. She wanted him married off at the first opportunity. He kept her at an arms length because of it. He also felt guilty for it too. He hoped when he told her all about Lily she wouldn't be upset about the bracelet being given before the wedding.  

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