Rat in the Nest

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James Murphy stood behind the mirrored windows watching the crowd in the night club. The music was loud and the lights swirled around the dance floor. The VIP section was empty for the time being. James glanced at his watch, the show was about to begin. He walked over to where he had set up several monitors on the table and sat down to watch from every vantage point in the club. The model and young Master Sun's double were set to arrive in the next 20 minutes. James had arranged to have them show up, sit in the VIP section, have one or two drinks and then leave. The model was a beautiful girl who was truly engaged, so she had a nice diamond ring on her hand.

The VIP entrance had a flurry of activity with several cars showing up. James watched as Seong Li and a few ladies got out of a black Escalade then walked through the door into the hallway next to the room James was sitting in. Seong never took ladies into Gavin's private room, he was always respectful of Gavin's privacy. James stood up and watched as Seong escorted them to the VIP section that the two actors were set to be in. He was afraid that it would hinder his plans. He quickly sent a text to the driver that would supposed to deliver the actors and told him to hold off until he gave them the ok to arrive.

Seong sat in the VIP booth and the club manager came over to greet him. The manager scurried off shortly after greeting them, he was a new manager, so he was a little nervous. The two ladies that were sitting in the booth got up to go to the dance floor. Seong picked up his phone to answer a message when a short slightly overweight woman approached the table. James immediately took a few screenshots, her body size and height were similar to the woman who was outside the club earlier. Seong seemed to recognize the woman and didn't seem in the least bit put out by her presence.

"Where is Gigi?" Seong asked Li Wen.

"She's in the ladies room. I can have her leave if you would like." Li Wen looked worried.

"Has she been drinking?" Seong asked with his brow furrowed.

"No she has only had water tonight." Li Wen bowed her head respectfully.

"Good. Have her come over once she comes out of the ladies room." Seong instructed.

Li Wen nodded and headed off toward the restrooms.

James Murphy immediately went over to the VIP section to chat with Seong. His long strides were smooth and purposeful. Patrons in the club simply moved out of his way. "President Li." James said in greeting to Seong. Seong looked up to see James standing there. James had a very commanding presence standing at around six feet four inches tall. He towered over most people and his body was extremely lean and fit. He had short light brown hair, a small moustache, and a nose that was slightly larger than most. He was handsome in his own way, but he always seemed untouchable. "James. Everything alright? Gavin ok?" Seong asked concerned. James was the head of security for Sun Entertainment but he was rarely seen, he was always working behind the scenes. For him to be somewhere usually meant there was something wrong.

"Master Sun is fine. I am just wondering who the short woman you were just speaking to is." James didn't get a clear view of her face from the hidden camera he had planted in the VIP area. "Li Wen, she is Gigi's manager." Seong eyed James with concern. James nodded his head but showed no emotion and said nothing more. "Is something going on?" Seong asked quietly. "No Sir. Just being extra vigilent since the incident with the news reporter here." Seong nodded in understanding.

Gigi and Li Wen walked over to the VIP area and James took a few steps back disappearing into the dark hallway. Seong turned to say something but James was gone. He looked confused when the two ladies approached.

"President Li, is everything ok?" Gigi asked respectfully.

"I. Ugh. Yeah. Fine. Everything is fine." Seong looked all around but couldn't find James. "Wen, said you wanted to see me?" Gigi watched him carefully.

"Oh, just to find out why you are here. We can never be too careful since the last fiasco here." Seong quickly forgot about James.

"I just wanted to mingle a little before the holiday and the tour." Gigi answered. "Is CEO Sun in the club tonight?" Gigi asked hopeful to see him.

"No he's out of town." Seong answered as he pulled his phone back out.

"I heard a rumor he may be in the club tonight." Gigi said cautiously.

"Oh. Well he's not here." Seong said without looking up from his phone. "Did you need something?"

"Oh no. I just.... Well I wanted him to see I could behave in public." Gigi looked down as she spoke.

"I'm sure he would find fault in the fact you were out in the club at all. Best to show him you can behave by staying home." Seong looked at Gigi seriously. The ladies that arrived with Seong returned to the table and Seong put his phone away. Gigi and Li Wen excused themselves and said quick goodbyes then turned to leave the club.

James watched Gigi and Li Wen as they left the club. The pair walked to the parking lot across the street and got into a small white BMW. James took a screenshot of the car and the tag. He no longer needed his decoys the "reporter" had shown herself. He called his driver and told him to take the two actors to Sun Entertainment Group to collect their pay then be dismissed. James now knew there was a rat in the nest, and it was going to be tricky to catch this one. 

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