Why are they so Bullheaded?

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Gavin heard the door to her room open and he looked at Lily as she walked out. He stood straight up next to the small table. The food he had ordered from her favorite café was all laid out on plates for her with a fresh pot of tea and there were fresh flowers in a vase. Lily noticed the two places set on the table, one for each of them. He was nervous that she would reject his lunch "date" especially now that he had seen her barely covered by a short robe in her bathroom.

Lily walked toward him and looked around the living room for Fin. She didn't see Fin anywhere.

"Where is Fin?"

"I asked him to step out and grab some lunch with Gou. I wanted to surprise you with a lunch."

"Oh." Lily saw the food and flowers on the table and she felt very complicated in her thoughts. She was so incredibly surprised by all this but also extremely embarrassed by what had just happened moments before in her bathroom.

She tried to act indifferent to it and walked to the table to sit down. When she tried to ease her way into the chair she winced in pain again.

"I think you should go back to bed and I will bring this to you." Gavin's tone was worried but he also spoke with authority.

Lily didn't disagree with him, she really was in a lot of pain at the moment. She slowly left the kitchen and started to walk to her bedroom. Gavin took two strides to get to her and lifted her off the ground. He carried her all the way to her bed. Once he gently placed her down he pulled her quilts over her and wrapped her up to keep her warm. She quietly watched every movement he made. Gavin bent down to kiss her forehead again, but Lily turned her face up and he kissed her lips instead. He leaned back and looked at her with surprise. Lily had made a very bold move. They both stared at one another in silence for a moment.

"I.... ummmm. I.... I'm sorry. I was too bold." Lily looked embarrassed.

Gavin gently grabbed her chin and pulled her face up, forcing her to look at him instead of down.

"Don't be sorry." Gavin leaned down and kissed her lips again. Lily whimpered when his lips touched hers again.

The front door to Lily's apartment slammed hard at the moment and both Lily and Gavin looked startled. Din showed up at the door to Lily's room.

"What the hell is going on here? Where is Fin?" Din growled.

Gavin smiled stiffly at Din and stood up straight. His hand was holding Lily's face still and he slowly pulled it away from her chin but reached for Lily's hand instead.

"Din." Gavin said coolly.

Din looked from Lily to Gavin and back to Lily.

"Master Sun, let's step into the kitchen." Din was unhappy.

Gavin pulled Lily's door closed and walked toward Din standing in the Kitchen. The apartment was small but the Kitchen was the furthest area from Lily's room. Din looked like he was about to explode.

"Fin is with my bodyguard, Gou, they are old acquaintances. I brought Lily lunch and asked Fin for some privacy when I heard Lily in the bathroom." Gavin out right lied. He had no idea that Lily was in the bathroom but it was the easiest explanation for why he asked Fin to leave that wouldn't completely anger Din. Not that Din wasn't already angered.

"You have no authority here. I don't care who you are. The Sun family may be rich and powerful but Fin doesn't work for you." Din was seething with anger.

"I would keep your voice down. Lily doesn't need to be upset. She's in a lot of pain and needs rest." Gavin chided.

"Precisely! She doesn't need a playboy like you taking advantage of her." Din spat back.

"I assure you, I have no intention of taking advantage of her. I actually want to marry her." Gavin decided to be straight forward at this point.

"Over my dead body." Din hissed and took a step toward Gavin.

Gavin was several inches taller than Din and also broader in the shoulders. The two men were equally built muscularly but Din was at a disadvantage when he stood toe to toe with Gavin.

"I can make that happen." Gavin's tone was cold and threatening.

"Excuse me! What did you just say?" Lily's voice was almost a shriek from across the room.

Both men turned to find her standing in the living room. She looked horrified.

"Din and I were just puffing our chests." Gavin's voice was calm but cold.

"Get out." Lily demanded. She pointed at the door.

Din took a step toward Gavin and also pointed at the door. "You heard her. Get out." Din's smile was menacing.

Gavin didn't argue nor did he care to continue this. He strode to the door and turned to look at Lily again. She was so angry he felt it was best to just leave without a single word to her. As Gavin stepped through the door he pulled out his cell phone and called his security team.

"Get me everything on Yi Din. NOW!" He barked, then hung up.

Gou and Fin were at the bottom of the stairs when Gavin descended. Gavin sneered at Fin and strode directly to the car without saying anything. Gou followed him and Fin quickly headed up the stairs to the apartment.

Lily stood breathless in her living room. Her thoughts were all over the place. How could a man one moment be so amazing and caring and the very next be so cold and threatening? Lily shivered at her thoughts and Din rushed to her.

"Hey get back in bed you are cold and pale." Din scolded.

"Shut up. You are just as wrong here." Lily angrily replied. "You need to get out too."

"Fin is the only one allowed in my apartment from this point forward. GOT IT!" She looked to both men as she spoke.  Both men nodded. Din was so angry he decided to leave rather than argue with her. He slammed the door on his way out and shook the walls. Lily huffed and went to her room.

Fin stood there looking at the table and the shut door to Lily's room. He figured she hadn't eaten so he put some of the food on a plate for her and took her some tea.

Lily laid back on the bed when Fin knocked on the door and she called for him to come in.

"I brought your lunch and tea." He said very soft spoken.

"Thanks." Lily looked perplexed and she sighed out loud.

"You ok?" Fin was truly concerned for her.

"Fin, why are they so....... Bullheaded." Lily felt exasperated. She loved her brother with all her heart, yet she felt something for Gavin. She wasn't exactly sure what but she felt something and she wanted to feel more of it. But she didn't want to upset her brother in the process.

Fin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Nevermind." Lily knew it was useless to ask Fin he was just like them.

Fin just wanted to get out of her room as quickly as possible. This was not something he wanted to discuss.  Lily drank her tea but didn't eat anything. She stared at the ceiling and drifted off to sleep.

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