Not a Favor but a Gift

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Yi Seok sat in his office before any other employees had woken up for the day. He had gotten the Directors to all agree to a second ad campaign at their last meeting. The concern was of course the timing, it was hard to get a model and the right photography team with such last minute time constraints. The Directors had already spoken to their web development team and they worked through the night to code a new contest website. It was going to be a last minute effort to try and save this years fall ad campaign. They had less than two weeks before the holiday week and it was going to be close. He really needed the ad campaign out today, but that was not going to happen. All the groundwork was being put into place so that when the model and photography team were secured the rest would be ready.

Seok's secretary arrived an hour later and found that he had stayed in the office all night. Gloria grabbed him a change of clothes from the closet along with a coffee and brought them into his office.

"Sir, you may want to change before your meetings today." She politely advised him.

Seok looked down at his wrinkled clothes and nodded. He looked exhausted. He thanked Gloria for taking care of him and went into his washroom to freshen up and change clothes. When he walked back into his office there was a strange man sitting there waiting for him.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Seok looked at the man like he was in the wrong place.

"CEO Yi. My name is Director Huang from Sun Entertainment Group. I was sent over with a model and a photography team to help get your ad campaign finished."

Seok looked dumbfounded and wondered if his Director of Marketing made a call last night that he wasn't aware of.

"Oh. Do you have a contract with you to sign?"

"CEO Yi, there is no need for a contract. My boss, CEO Sun, has provided all of this to your company as a favor." Director Huang was not sure of the favor or the details and didn't want to know.

"A favor? For what?" Seok was not in the habit of granting favors or leaving things open ended to owe favors. That did not make for a good business practice.

"Sir, I am not sure those type of details, I am sure CEO Sun could advise you as that would be between the two of you"

Seok took a seat at his desk and asked for CEO Sun's phone number. Once the call was placed, he was put through to CEO Sun's office and asked to hold for a moment.

"Hello CEO Yi." Gavin sounded very warm but businesslike.

"CEO Sun, I am calling because your Director Huang is here in my office and said that a crew and a model are here for our ad campaign. I'm a little confused by this and Director Huang explained this was a favor to me."

"I apologize for the abruptness and that I had not made a call to you personally yet, but I knew you were on a tight deadline and need to get this out today. Correct?"

"Yes, but how did you know this information? We just discussed it at a meeting yesterday and really if we were unable to meet the deadlines then it wouldn't come to fruition. So I need to know if I have a leak in my office." Seok was a little worried.

"Oh, no, I assure you that you do not have a leak in your office. I hope that you will accept my gift to you. It shouldn't be called a favor but a gift as nothing is expected in return for this. My production team, our top model, and our editing team are all at your disposal. I have instructed them that this must be completed and ad ready by 5pm today. Is that sufficient for you?"

Seok sat very still for a moment and mulled all this information over in his head.

"And there is no contract or fee?"

"No CEO Yi, I assure you, no contract or fee. My company is providing it free to you."

"ok. I will hang up now then. Thank you."

Gavin smiled as the call was disconnected. He would do whatever it took to ensure that the Yi Corporation and the Yi family would never suffer or fail.

Director Huang patiently waited for instructions from CEO Yi. As Seok hung up the phone he didn't know why or how this all came about but he wasn't going to say no at this point. Seok called all his Directors in immediately and they informed Director Huang how they wished to proceed. The photography team set up and the model started to get ready. The make up palettes were set up for product placement photography and the web teams worked furiously to set up a new website.

The Director of Marketing came by Seok's office later to tell him that the media stations all said their ad time for the next two weeks were already paid for and it was more ad time then they originally had planned.

"How is this possible?" Seok asked his Director.

"I'm not sure. The young lady on the phone said it was all a directive from Sun Entertainment and they own the station."

Seok sat back in his chair and decided to call Sun Entertainment again. This was all too much.

Gavin's secretary informed CEO Yi that CEO Sun was in a meeting at the time, but if it was urgent he would gladly interrupt.

"No, there is no need for that. Just have CEO Sun call me back, thank you."

Seok looked to the ceiling and thanked his wife for looking over him. He logged into his computer and pulled up the email from his favorite jeweler then ordered a pair of crystal earrings that were similar to the bracelet his daughter was wearing. The bracelet was hard to match as it was apparently a one of kind, at least that is what the jeweler he sent the photo to had said to him. They found a pair of earrings that were close, but the jeweler explained that the crystals in the bracelet were extremely rare and hadn't been mined in more than 20 in years. The earrings were beautiful round pale blue crystals with a clear tear drop dangling crystal.  None the less, Seok was sure his daughter would love them.

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