The Game is Back On

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Gavin returned to the private suite with a bright smile on his face and his mood was significantly better. Seong was there with several directors from Sun Music Group. They had landed a new music group's exclusive contract. The plan now was to have the new boy band group open for Gigi on a National Tour of China. The exposure for the new boy band was perfect to get them in front of mainstream audiences. Gigi didn't want a full tour but she agreed to most of the tour dates and cities. She wanted time to record some new music prior to the start of it so that when she was out on tour she had new material for audiences.  This was actually a good business move so the directors all agreed to shorten the tour and push the dates back a little. They were all out to dinner together celebrating the new deals they had struck. Gavin happily ate his food and drank with the men. It was rare for the Directors of Sun Music Group to toast with CEO Sun. Gavin watched as Lily and her friends left the restaurant. Lily's expression as she looked at the open door to the private suite was that similar to what one would give an opponent who scored first. She challenged him with her look. Gavin laughed out loud and the men in the room all stopped talking. No one, except for Seong, had ever seen Gavin spontaneously laugh. Gavin picked up his wine glass and held it up to the room and gave a toast. It was odd behavior indeed.

"What is up with you man?" Seong asked his long time friend.

"What?" Gavin acted clueless.

"You have been very strange tonight!"

"Woman issues." Gavin said with a straight face.

"I noticed. Care to explain?"

"No. I don't care to." Gavin went back to a very serious tone and look on his face.

"Dude. Don't get sucked down the rabbit hole." Seong said with an amused tone but deep down really meant his words.

"Dude?" Gavin said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. As in my best friend 'dude' and not the CEO. Dude." Seong sometimes had to remind Gavin who he was talking to.

"Seong. How long have we been friends?" Gavin asked him seriously.

"I don't know, like 20 years or so."

"In the 20 or so years have you ever seen me not want to be with a beautiful woman.?" Gavin asked sincerely.

"No, truly you've always had beautiful women. Except that one time in Shanghai." Both men shuddered at that thought.

"Then why are you worried about me chasing this one beautiful woman?" Gavin stared at Seong.

"That's just it, man. You are chasing her." Seong said with a serious face and tone.

That was the crux of the entire issue as far as Seong was concerned. Gavin never set his sight on a single woman. Women flocked to him. He could have ANY woman he wanted in the world. They threw themselves at him. When they were in college together the running joke was Seong liked to hang out with him to catch all the women that Gavin threw away. It wasn't true since Seong was certainly capable and good looking enough on his own. But not once in 20 something years had Gavin ever pursued a single woman. Sure he sent flowers a time or two after a one night thing, but usually only because he wanted a second night. Gavin was already acting like he was in a relationship with this girl and he was off the market. Seong quickly had a thought to test his theory.

"Come on lets go to Club Rue and have some fun in the VIP seating area!"

"No. I have a huge project that we just signed a contract on today. I need to get the ball rolling on it. " Gavin took the last sip of his wine and stood to leave.

"Are you sure?" Seong usually never had to ask twice.

"Yes." Gavin nodded at his friend to say goodbye and left the room.

"The least you could have done was paid our tab!" Seong yelled as Gavin strode out.

The waiter came by with a paid for bill. Seong laughed out loud. "Tricky bastard."

Gavin sat in his study thinking about Lily. The signed contracts and all the working documents for the White Dolphin Hotel were laid out in front of him. He stared at the documents blankly. He just couldn't focus. He opened his laptop and checked his email. Lily had gone home after dinner instead of going out. Gavin looked at the photo of her stepping out of the cab. She truly was incredibly beautiful. That dress she wore was absolutely perfect on her body. Gavin frowned and realized he didn't want other men looking at her. This is what jealousy felt like. It soured his thoughts.

Lily stood in her bedroom in her bathrobe and towel dried her hair for a moment. The crystal bracelet was laying on top of her dresser. She stood there looking at it and couldn't help but laugh out loud again. She shook her head and went to go blow dry her hair before bed. 

When Lily woke up the next morning she decided to wear pants instead of skirt. Although it was still warm outside the rains were starting to get worse. It was Typhoon season and it wouldn't be long before one would head toward the coastline. Sometimes they just skirted the edge of the country and the outer bands whipped at the land. That was worse than the eye actually coming ashore. Lily braided her hair in a side braid and put a small head band on her head. She always dressed fashionable but comfortably fashionable. She saw how models walked on the catwalks and she did not envy the outfits they wore one bit. Some were just outlandish. She determined long ago that those type of runway shows were more art than practical. These were all thoughts she had as she finished getting dressed and ate a little porridge for breakfast.  Her birthday was coming up in a few weeks, and the week after would be Mid-Autumn Day and National Holiday. In China National Holiday was a week long celebration. She always went home that week. The last few years it was a much more subdued event since her mom was not there. But she enjoyed the break from school and time at the Villa with her Dad and brothers. Since Jae was abroad she doubted she would see him this year.

Lily walked through the front door of her apartment and saw the mean looking man with the scar above his eye walking toward her. She stopped momentarily and watched as he approached her. He was carrying a box in his hand with a pink ribbon. She pulled her door and locked it and turned toward him.

"Young Master Sun would like you to have this." Gou explained as he held out the box.

Lily tilted her head as if contemplating something.

"Tell Young Master Sun to deliver it to me himself." Lily then sidestepped Gou and walked down the stairs.

Gou had never encountered a young woman who stood up to young Master Sun so easily and frequently. His usually flat unmoving mouth curved into a smile. He liked Lily.

Gou returned to the car with the box in his hand. Gavin had watched Lily walk by as she left. Today she waved at him as she passed where the car was. She couldn't see inside the car due to the dark tinted windows, but if his menacing man was at her door, Gavin was surely in the car. Gou handed the package back to his boss.

"She said for you to deliver it to her yourself." Gou had to hold back his laughter as he said it.

"What's so funny Gou?" Gavin glared daggers at the back of the man's head.

Gou immediately stopped smiling and stared forward very seriously.

Gavin took a deep breath and looked at the box in his hands.

"She wants me to hand deliver it huh." Gavin said thoughtfully.

The game was back on. Gavin smiled a deviant knowing smile.

"Office Gou."

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