Going to Need Another Chair

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Lily set her cell phone down and looked over at Fin who was still engrossed in his book. She closed her laptop then stood up to stretch. She stretched just a little too much and she winced a little in pain. Fin immediately jumped up and hurried toward her.

"Miss Lily are you ok?" Fin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine! I just stretched a little too much." She rolled her eyes.

"I want to go to Seaside Café." Lily said firmly.

Fin raised his eyebrows.

"That's settled then." She said as she started toward her room to change her clothes.

"I don't think you should go." Fin's authoritative booming voice came into her room from the living room.

"You don't have a choice!" She called back.

Fin crossed his arms and looked unhappy.

A few minutes later Lily was dressed and ready to go. She had put on a pretty aqua blue colored button up shirt with a pair of black slacks. It was easier to put on button up shirts than to wear the pullover type. She slipped her feet into a pair of black Kate Spade ballet flats and grabbed her small wristlet. She had to move some things from her purse to her wristlet since she didn't want the weight of her purse on her shoulder or across her body. As she changed things from one to the other she decided she wanted her clear lipgloss instead of a colored one. She riffled through her bag but couldn't find it. She went to her nightstand and looked through that drawer but it wasn't there either. She opened the top drawer to her dresser and saw the pretty crystal bracelet Gavin had given her. She smiled and decided to put it on. After digging around she finally found her lipgloss in her bathroom. She put some on then smacked her lips. She took one last look at her hair in the mirror, her hair was neatly brushed and hanging straight down with a small butterfly clip pulling her hair away from her face. Lily felt like this was the best she had looked in weeks.

As Lily opened the door to exit she was startled by a bouquet of flowers in her face.

"I'm sorry miss. I was just about to knock." The flower delivery girl said embarrassed.

"It's ok." Lily took the bouquet of lilies and signed the receipt.

Fin took the flowers from her and set them on the table. Lily knew they were from Gavin so she didn't bother reading the card since she needed to leave. She would read it later.

Seong arrived at Seaside Café about ten minutes early but he didn't want to be sitting there at a table alone waiting for Lily to arrive. He was afraid it would seem like a date if he did that. He sat in his Qiantu K50 sports car just across the street from the café and watched the door. He saw different university students come and go, but none of them seemed to resemble the girl he saw Gavin looking at in the restaurant a few weeks before. Seong looked down at his watch and it was about five minutes til. He looked up and saw a beautiful enchanting young lady walking toward the café. She had long flowing black hair and looked very sweet and pure, but she carried herself like a well raised young woman. Her face was exquisitely beautiful with porcelain skin.  She was absolutely breathtaking. Seong suddenly realized it was Lily. No wonder Gavin fell in love. I would too. Dang. Seong shook his head to clear all the wrong thoughts he was having and started toward the restaurant.

Lily approached the door of the café and recognized the man from the news conference getting out of an expensive sports car across the street. She waited patiently as he strode toward her.

"President Li." She greeted him with a small bow of her head.

"No need to be formal Miss Lily. Call me Seong." He held his hand out to shake her hand.

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