So You think I am Sexy?

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Gavin saw the way that Lily was looking at him and he smiled while his ego inflated. She was checking him out and looked starry eyed. Lily saw him smile at her like that and she instantly changed her facial expression to nothing. She was not going to let him see her look at him like that again. Gavin took only a few strides to get to where she was seated. She had chosen a table that was a little more secluded so they could talk openly without anyone really hearing them.

"Hello Miss Lily." Gavin was smiling very sweetly as he greeted her.

"Master Sun." She responded very formally.

"Gavin. Remember. I want you to call me Gavin."

"Fine. Gavin. Hello." She corrected herself and couldn't help fidgeting with her hands in her lap.

Gavin noticed her nervousness and his heart melted more for her.

"May I?" He pointed to the chair opposite of her inviting himself to sit.

She giggled. " Of course."

Oh her giggle. Gavin loved the sound of her sweet giggle. If he could hear that sound every single day for the rest of his life he would do anything. He was just as star struck by her but she was looking down and didn't notice.

"I apologize that I don't have a very long time to meet, Gavin. I have promised my brother dinner this evening. We have some family things to discuss that are important." She had already ordered them both a tea and biscuit and the waiter was delivering it as she said this. She felt she owed him an apology since she didn't wait for him to arrive to order.

"What sort of family things, if you don't mind me asking?" Gavin wanted to know everything about her.

Lily started to speak about her birthday but then decided that would bring more gifts that she would feel the need to return.

"My Dad's company has run an ad campaign for their fall cosmetic line and it's lackluster at best so we are brainstorming to find a quick solution to turn it around." She felt this was a safe enough topic and emergent enough to warrant a last minute dinner with her brother.

"I see." Gavin didn't ask anything further and simply made a mental note to look into the Yi Corporation a little more.

"Shall we discuss the 'fiancee' issue then?" Lily was very businesslike.

"What is there to discuss?" Gavin said with half a smile. He was provoking her and she knew it.

"Well the fact that I am not your fiancee for one." She emphasized the word 'not'.

"We can fix that." He said with a gleam in his eye.

Lily was shocked and her mouth dropped open for a moment. She quickly recovered her facial expression and cleared her throat.

"Master Sun.....errrr Gavin..... I do not know you. I have only had very limited interaction with you. We have not had one single date."

"We are having one now." Gavin was enjoying how flustered Lily looked. Her cheeks had flushed so quickly and she looked more beautiful than ever.

"This is NOT a date." She was very serious and stern as she spoke.

"Ok, then this is a 'not date' but we are still together enjoying tea and biscuits and conversing. From an outsider's viewpoint, this is a date." He smiled as he took a sip of tea.

Lily huffed in frustration.

"Fine, call it whatever you like, the fact doesn't change that we don't know one another. And the last thing I need is to have rumors saying that I am associated with you."

Gavin frowned at the way she phrased it.

"Would it be so terrible to be 'associated' with me?" Gavin's ego was slightly wounded.

Lily realized she may have been a little harsh.

"Gavin, what I mean to say.... and yes I realize how many women would love to be in my shoes right now.... But what I mean to say is I'm just about to finish college. I need to focus on my Dad's company and helping him. I just don't have time to be in a frivolous relationship and become another number to you. Please don't be offended by my words, but you truly are known in the entertainment news for all the women you have dated for lack of a better term. And I don't want to have my reputation associated with being another one of Gavin Sun's women." She tried her best to explain how she felt without offending him, but it was the truth.

"I see." He looked like he had been smacked as he spoke.

"Gavin, I am sorry. Please don't be hurt by my words. I don't mean to be so harsh." Lily's heart felt bad for saying such harsh things to him.  "I really don't want to upset you. You are an incredibly handsome man. You are every girls dream man.. Sexy, Handsome, Rich, Good looking, sexy......" She realized she had said sexy twice and she stopped herself then bit her lip.

Gavin raised one eyebrow and grinned at her. Lily rolled her eyes at him.

"So you think I'm sexy?" He looked like a playboy as he spoke.

"Ugh. That's all you heard isn't it."

"No. I also heard you don't like thinking that there are so many other women. While yes it is true I have been associated with many women in the entertainment news. Most for the record were mere business colleagues that the media associated with me.  And yes I have had a few indiscreet relationships. The fact of the matter is, I have never had a real relationship with a woman. I have never wanted to have one. Until I saw you on the beach. I have not looked at nor thought of or wanted another woman since I laid eyes on you. I'm serious Lily. I have taken myself off the market. So I really don't care if anyone thinks I am engaged to you. I prefer that they do." He was very serious as he spoke.

Lily was so taken aback by his words that she didn't know what to say.

"I see." It was all she could think to say.

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