She Only Needs One

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The Sun Villa was just on the edge of town, but young Master Sun didn't stay there unless it was for some family event. He had his own flat in a high rise building that his father's company Sun Industries owned. His father, Sun Jing, made a compromise that as long as Gavin lived in his building he wouldn't insist on Gavin living in the villa after college. Gavin reluctantly agreed but over time realized his father wasn't trying to control him but just trying to provide for him. Gavin was nearly as wealthy as his father now and didn't need to stay in the penthouse flat in his father's building for free any more. He usually did things like send bonuses to the security team  or give red envelopes with several thousand dollars to all the workers in the building on holidays. It was the least he could do to offset not paying to live there. The people who did occupy the building all knew young Master Sun lived in the penthouse but he had his own entrance and elevator so they rarely saw him.

The entry to Gavin's penthouse when one stepped out of the elevator was like that of an opulent hotel. The floor had large glossy white tiles and the walls were an inviting shade of tan. The floral arrangements on the large entry table and the other two side tables always carried blue and teal colored flowers in them. There was a very large mirror that hung over the largest entry table. The two double doors that led into Gavin's flat were very ornate. They were dark cherry wood doors. Gavin had found the doors when he was overseas and had them shipped home and installed. They were hand carved with large half circle glass inserts. The glass inserts had patterns that appeared to be seashells and fish scales with an opal like sheen to them. It wasn't like anything Gavin had ever seen before.

Gavin pushed through the double doors and stepped down into his open living room. All around were floor to ceiling windows and he had a view of the ocean since he was so high up. He dropped his jacket on the large L shaped couch and walked toward his room. His clothing was soaked and he had to get out of them quickly so he didn't catch a cold. He passed by the kitchen and his personal chef was standing there waiting to hear what to prepare for dinner. Gavin gave him a dismissive wave as he walked by. He wasn't in the mood to eat. That meant he was going to work late in his study and Gou was going to be bringing him take out later. The chef bowed and left the flat.

Gavin stripped his clothes off and took a hot shower. When he stepped out he was wrapped in a towel at his waist. He instinctively picked up his phone and saw another email from his security team. This time the picture was taken in a hospital. He saw a very beaten man in a hospital bed. The email said: "Chen Xave is severely beaten and won't be bothering Miss Lily anytime soon."

Gavin smiled and felt relieved. No wonder Lily didn't have a body guard today. Gavin sent a text to his head of security.

Lily only needs one man watching her for now. Send the other one elsewhere.

Yes Boss.

Gavin was satisfied and felt like he could leave town with some ease now. Although he wouldn't be able to personally see her for the next few days, he knew she was safe.

Gavin dressed in his home clothes and went to his study to work on the proposal. He called his secretary at home and informed him he needed a hotel for the next two nights at the White Dolphin and to arrange for a second room for Gou. Most of the time when Gavin traveled he took an entire security team with him. For this since he was only going to be a few towns over he felt Gou was enough. Gavin looked at the photo on his email of Chen Xave one more time before deleting it. He wasn't sorry that Chen Xave was beaten, he was sorry he wasn't the one who did it.

Chen Xave woke up the next morning and could open his eyes a little more. A nurse was in his room checking his IV and giving him more medicine. He turned to look at her. She was very pretty and had a petite figure. He tried to smile but found his mouth didn't move very well. The nurse saw him move and told him to be still. She went to get the doctor.

Dr. Lang came in, it was the same doctor from before, and he picked up Chen Xave's chart.

"Mr. Chen, please try not to move." He advised.

Xave tried to lift his hand to point at his mouth.

"Mr. Chen the injuries to your face were rather extensive. We had to put in many stitches. If you move too much your stitches could pop out."

Xave became frustrated and started trying to sit up so he could get to a mirror.

"Mr Chen. Please!" The doctor rushed to the side of the bed and pushed Xave back down.

"Nurse, meds!" The doctor called out.

The nurse ran in with a syringe and put the medicine in Xave's IV. He settled down within seconds and was back out again. 

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