Call off the dogs!

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Din left Lily's apartment after having dinner and walked down her stairs. He stood next to his motorcycle and made a quick phone call. Once he put his helmet on he straddled the bike and drove off. Gavin watched from across the street. He hadn't eaten yet so his stomach was growling and he was not happy watching yet another man come near Lily. This one had also stayed in her apartment for a long time. He was relieved that the motorcycle man had managed to rescue Lily from Chen Xave. Gavin was already out of the car and heading toward the two when the motorcycle pulled up. Gavin stood off to the side and watched as the man she called "Brother Din" walked with her away from Xave. Xave stood there looking grim for a few moments and then raised his fist in the air before he walked back toward the university. Gavin needed to know who "Brother Din" was now. But first he needed to eat. He sent a text to Seong.

Where are you?­ -G

With Gigi and her manager at GuiZhou


GuiZhou House was a very upscale restaurant that many powerful business men and rich people dined at. If you didn't have a reservation you couldn't get in. It sometimes took months to get a reservation. But Master Sun never needed a reservation and neither did Seong. Seong's sister Viv owned it. Li Viv loved her brother more than her restaurant and she loved Master Sun just as much. She was older than Seong and Gavin by 8 years. She saw the two of them as her little brothers. She always doted on them and fed them. She had a special private room just for when they would stop by.

Gavin walked into the restaurant and Viv ran up to him with open arms. Gavin smiled at her audacious behavior. Only Viv could get away with such. "Gavin! You came! Seong said you may not come!" She pinched Gavins cheeks. He just shook his head and smiled.

"I'm hungry." He had such simple and short answers.

"Come! Come!" She said as she hurried to the back room. All the patrons in the restaurant knew who he was and everyone whispered. No one dared to say anything where he could hear it. People never wanted to offend him.

He entered the back room and Gigi immediately livened up. She had been sulking that CEO Sun hadn't arrived yet. She was not used to having to wait for others. Usually people waited for her.

Gavin walked in and Viv was making a fuss about bringing out his special meal. Seong was arguing with her about treating Gavin better than him. The two ladies across the table watched the scene and laughed at the absurdity of it all. Gavin happily began eating and didn't pay any attention to the ladies or Viv and Seong.

Gigi picked up her glass and cleared her throat. "I'd like to give a toast to CEO Sun." She announced.

Viv glanced at the beautiful songstress and rolled her eyes as she left the room. Seong, Wen Li and Gavin all picked up glasses and drank. Gigi was delighted with herself.

Seong toasted to GiGi and they all drank again. Gavin set his glass down and continued to eat. He hadn't spoken at all nor acknowledged Gigi since he walked in, other than for the toast where they clinked glasses. He was lost in thought about "Brother Din" when he abruptly stood and left the room. Gigi stared at the door in disbelief.

Seong saw her look and shrugged his shoulders. "He was hungry." He laughed heartily while Gigi pouted.

Lily sat in her little apartment and texted Sue about Xave's unwanted kiss and how she was sure her brother Din was going to beat him.

Good! He deserves it. Sue texted.

He needs to learn manners, but he doesn't need to be beaten. Lily defended.

He's a good for nothing anyway. He failed out of his medical classes.

How do you know that!!!! Lily didn't even know this.

His advisor is Ming Ming. She told me in secret.

Lily knew he wasn't a good student but she didn't know he had failed. That sealed his fate with her even more. She definitely didn't want to be with someone who failed college.

What are we doing for your 21st birthday? Sue texted.

I don't know. I'm sure my dad has something planned.

I meant what are WE doing for your 21st? Sue sent with three devilish emojis.

"WE are staying out of trouble." Lily replied with three laughing emojis.

Lily set her phone aside and scrolled through the TV channels. She was restless and she was worried that Din would do something to get himself in trouble. Lily was worried Xave would be severely harmed and she honestly didn't want that. Her thoughts drifted off to Master Sun and the crystal bracelet. She really shouldn't keep the bracelet and she knew it. But she honestly didn't know how to return it without offending anyone. For now she was stuck with it.

The next morning Lily walked out of her apartment and down the stairs with the bag that carried her books. A very menacing looking over sized man walked up to her and put his hand out for her bag. She had a moment of fright and thought the man was robbing her. "Brother Din sent me." He explained. Lily rolled her eyes so hard at that moment. She pulled out her cell phone and called her brother.

"What's up Lil?" He answered sounding like she woke him.

"Call off the dogs Din! I'm not a baby and I don't need a body guard." She huffed into the phone.

"Not going to happen Lil. Sorry I don't trust that creep. He hurt you then forced you to kiss him. You are stuck with protection until I sort it all out." Din was not going to back down from this one. Lily knew once he made a decision like this no amount of puppy eyes and pleading would change him. Not when it came to her safety.

She stomped her foot and hung up the phone.

"I can carry my own bag. Stay back at least 2 steps please." She instructed her brother's henchman.

Yang Fin backed up two steps like she asked. He was respectful to the boss' little sister.

"By the way you won't be allowed into the university when I am in class." She explained as she walked off.

Yang Fin just kept following her to the door of the building she disappeared through.   He sent a message to Din letting him know she was safe inside.

He stood by that door until Lily came out several hours later. Lily saw him there and felt sorry for him having to stand outside in this heat and humidity.

"Come on. I'll buy you lunch." She said to him as they walked toward her favorite café.

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