Official Date

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Lily awoke the next morning to birds chirping outside of her windows. She smiled at the sound and felt peaceful just lying there listening to nature's beautiful song. She pushed up on her elbows and found her ribs were sore but she wasn't in dire pain any more. The night before Sue had come to her room after everyone had left to help her put the tonic soaked bandages on then change into her night clothes. Lily slowly got out of the bed and decided she needed to soak in her oversized tub. She hadn't realized how much she missed the luxuries of her family home that she was missing out on in her little apartment. She had a small tub in her apartment, but she could actually sink down and soak in the tub here.

Lily walked to her bathroom to start the water and found Sue on the couch in her sitting room. "Hey! You are finally up!" Sue exclaimed. Lily didn't think she had slept in, but she had not checked the time either. "What time is it?" Lily asked as she continued toward her bathroom. "It's after 10am." Lily stopped in her tracks and turned toward Sue.

"10AM! I never sleep this late!" Lily said surprised.

"Yeah your brothers both left early, your dad is out walking in the gardens with Gloria. Your phone has been vibrating all morning on the table here. And I am bored!"

"I was going to soak in the tub but now with it being so late I will just take a quick shower. We can find something to do when I get out." Lily picked up her cell phone from the end table then walked to the bathroom.

Lily had several missed calls from Gavin and a text from Din. The message from Din was just letting her know that he and Jae were going to talk with an investigator about Fin. They would be back to the Villa after lunch. She decided to shower and get dressed before she called Gavin back. Lily stood in the shower letting the warm water run down her back, she looked down at her ribs and saw that the bruising was starting to turn an ugly green color from the purple color it had been. She frowned as she thought of Chen Xave and how horrible he looked. She never wanted him to be harmed like that. Her brother really made things worse sometimes.

After she stepped out of the shower she walked into the adjacent walk in closet with all her clothes still in place as if she still lived here. She chose a soft pink angora sweater and black jeans with low ankle boots. For some reason she felt the need to be wearing the crystal bracelet, almost like it was calling out to her tugging at her heart. She rifled through her packed bag in the closet until she found it.  She smiled as she clasped it around her wrist.  Lily brushed through her hair quickly before she grabbed her phone to return Gavin's call. She told Sue it would just be a minute then she disappeared into her room on the other side of the sitting area, closing the door for some privacy.

"Good morning Lily." Gavin said as he answered her call.

"Good morning." Lily blushed which made her feel silly knowing he couldn't see her. "You called me this morning?"

"I was just checking on you, but Din let me know you were sleeping." Gavin answered.

"Oh. I didn't know you and Din were on speaking terms." Lily said trying to hide her surprise.

"We spoke this morning with regard to his man Fin." Gavin spoke very plainly.

"Any news?" Lily's voice gave away she was worried.

"Nothing yet. But you don't need to worry about it. Your brother Din and I have it under control. You just enjoy your time with your father and Sue at the Villa." Gavin suddenly worried she would try to leave and something would happen to her.

"Sue is rather bored already I'll have to find a way to entertain her. I was thinking of going shopping with her. I want to pick up a gift for my brothers and my father for National Holiday anyway."

"I'll have Gou come and take you." Gavin sounded like it was an order more than a polite suggestion.

Lily was silent for a moment as she thought through how to respond. "Ok." She decided to finally be gracious in accepting the things Gavin did for her. Besides she felt safe with Gou.

"I will send him now. He should be there within an hour. I have him out already anyway so he's not too far from your Villa." That was the truth, Gavin had sent Gou to pick up mooncakes for his family from the Shangri-La Hotel which was about forty-five minutes from the Yi Villa.

"Great! Thank you, Gavin." Lily spoke softly.

"You're welcome.  But, you don't have to thank me for everything." Gavin laughed.

"I..... well I am thankful. oh, ummmmm...... Are you busy on Wednesday?" Lily was thinking of planning their date.

"Wouldn't matter if I was, is that going to be our first official date?" Gavin smiled as he spoke.

"Well, if you don't have plans, then yes I was thinking maybe Wednesday we could spend the day together." Lily blushed again as if he could see her.

"I will see you on Wednesday, my love." Gavin was gushing.

"My love???"  Lily paused. " You know what, I'm not going to correct you anymore. It's endearing. See you Wednesday." Lily hung up the phone and let out a deep breath. They had a date for Wednesday. Gavin smiled as he put the phone back in his pocket. He looked across his desk at the two men who were almost glaring at him. Gavin his cleared his throat. "Din... Jae.... Where were we?"

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