Talk with Din

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Gavin sat in the car on his laptop scrolling through reports from his security team he had watching Lily.  He couldn't find any mention of the same individuals that abducted Fin earlier that morning.  It was a puzzling matter to him, and one that made him feel uneasy about Lily's safety.  He knew he would have no say in her returning to her apartment so for the time being he was going to increase security on her.  He looked at his cell phone then decided it was time to wave a white flag with Din and work together to protect Lily.  He listened as the phone went to Din's voicemail, but rather than leave a message he hung up.  He tapped his fingers on the keyboard while he contemplated what his next move would be.  Gavin's phone screen lit up with an incoming call from Din.

"Hello Din." Gavin answered.

"You called." Din's voice was less than pleasant.

"I would like to meet with you to talk about Lily's safety when she returns to her apartment." Gavin went straight to the point without pleasantries.


"Tomorrow.  After Breakfast." 

"Fine.  I'll text you the address."

"I have the address to your Villa.  I'm sure you are aware your father gave it to me for my driver to deliver Lily today." 

"Yes.  I wasn't planning to meet you at the Villa."  Din sounded irritated.

"If it's all the same to you, I will be in that area anyway, so I would prefer to meet there."

Din paused as he thought it over.


"I would like to work with you, not against you."  Gavin offered an olive branch with his words.  "My priority is Lily's safety, just as yours is."

Din was silent.

"I have an entire security team protecting your Villa as we speak." Gavin continued. "They have strict instructions to stay hidden unless there is direct danger to your Villa or your family, and most especially to Lily."

Din was stunned.  He realized that Gavin had resources and connections that were far above what he could provide, but he hadn't realized the resources were already provided.

"Thank you." Din answered with a softer tone.  He truly felt gratitude toward Gavin for his generosity.

"I have men looking for your man Fin as well.  Din, I am not a threat to you.  I know you have had a man tailing me.  He can keep following me or he can work with my team to find Fin." 

"I don't see you as a threat to me."  Din showed his hand to Gavin with this statement.

"I'm not a threat to Lily either."  Gavin narrowed his eyes as he spoke, but maintained calmness in his voice.

"Tomorrow.  After breakfast."  Din said flatly.

Gavin hung up without another word.  He was irritated.  He would have to swallow his pride for this hot headed brother of Lily's.  Gavin let out a frustrated sigh.  He isn't going to like me showing up to his Villa.  Gavin thought as he returned to scrolling through reports on his laptop.

James Murphy sat in the currently empty Sea Night Club looking at video angles for each camera in the ceiling of the club and outside the building.  He decided that he needed a hidden camera near the VIP section to catch the "reporter."  He zoomed in on the outside camera and saw a short older looking woman walking near the club entrance looking up at the camera.  He zoomed in on her, his intuition told him there was something off about her being there. He took a screen capture of her face.  She was wearing a scarf around her head along with sunglasses making it hard to tell who she was, but she had a familiar look.  She was slightly overweight and appeared to be barely over five feet tall.  The woman used her cell phone to take photos of the front of the night club and well as the VIP entrance gate.  James watched her carefully until she got into a taxi and left.  He took a screen shot of the taxi number in case he needed to pull paid fares later.   The club was going to open in two hours so James had to finish setting up all the surveillance cameras.  He momentarily let the thoughts regarding the short woman go.

Lily took a walk around the estate gardens with Sue and Jae.  Lily kept her arm hooked in Jae's arm leaning into him, while Sue walked on the other side.

"Tell me about living overseas!" Lily excitedly prodded Jae in conversation.

"It isn't much different than living here Lil." Jae laughed.  "At least not as a college student anyway.  I go to class, I study, I eat, and I sleep."

"There has to be interesting things you do outside of all that!" Lily pushed.

"I occasionally go to the library."  Jae laughed at his little sister as she pouted. "Seriously, I don't go out much.  Do you really want me to talk about the quantum mechanics studies and theories my student team is working on?" He raised his eyebrows looking down at her cute face.

"Actually, yes."  Lily didn't care what they talked about she just wanted to hear his voice and enjoy having him home for a change.

"Well we are currently working on a hypothesis that expounds upon the simulation theory.  The hypothesis is that we aren't just living in a simulation but rather a self-simulation.  Lily, this goes deep into panconsciousness and principle of effective language.  Are you really sure you want to hear all this?" 

Sue sighed out loud as if signaling Lily to talk about something else.

Lily glared at Sue.  "Jae I want to know what interests you.  I just...... I feel like you are so far away." Lily looked down to her feet for a moment to keep a tear from spilling down her cheek.

Jae pulled her close to him and patted her on the head.  "I'm just a phone call away Lil.  Tell me what is going on in your life.  How are your studies? Are you almost finished with school?" He decided to change the focus off of himself.

"I'm in my last year, after next semester I will complete my studies.  I have had an eventful semester.  Seems I can't stay out of the hospital."  Lily shrugged her shoulders like it meant nothing.

"Hospital?" Jae suddenly stopped walking and turned to her. "Explain."

"It's nothing.  I sprained my wrist, that's healed.  I got a flu of some sort, that's over.  And I injured my ribs.  I'm healing.  I'm fine."  Lily didn't want to explain that two of the injuries were from Xave. 

"How did you injure your ribs?" Jae looked worried about her.

"She got hurt at school." Sue answered to take the pressure off of Lily.  Lily thanked her silently with the look in her eyes.

"What did the doctor say?  How long will you take to heal?"

"A few weeks, maybe a month or so.  Luckily my ribs are not fractured, just a bone bruise." Lily smiled at her brother to ease his worry.

Jae just stared at her.

"I'm fine!  Between you and Din, I swear!!!!" Lily rolled her eyes and started to walk again.

Sue playfully hit Jae's shoulder. "She has me to protect her!" Sue joked.

Jae shook his head.  "Lily, I couldn't take it if something happened to you."  He was very solemn and serious.

"Jae.  I'm fine.  I'll be finished with school and living in the Villa, going to work with Dad in a few months.  Don't worry!"

The three continued their walk through the gardens making small talk, but Jae had made a mental note to talk with Din about what was going on.  He felt like Lily wasn't telling him everything.

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