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"Son. It's nice to have you call me. I guess I actually do exist in your world." Sun Jing chided Gavin.

"Father." Gavin's voice was distant but not cold.

"Are you coming home for holiday?" Jing asked.

"Yes. That is why I called." Gavin realized he probably should have called his mother, she was the one who planned all the Sun family events, but she was too nosy and he didn't feel like answering all her questions about his life.

"Your mother has a big feast planned on National Holiday. She has other luncheons planned for the Autumn festivals, but that will mostly be all the clucking hen women she knows."

"Do I need to wear a tuxedo for the National Holiday party?" Gavin knew his mother would insist he be dressed like the rich man he was. It was extremely important to the Sun family image to put on airs and show their wealth.

"You should know the answer is yes." His father huffed over it, both men hated it equally.

"How is business?" Gavin knew Sun Industry was thriving but it was the only thing the two men had in common. Business.

"We are expanding our shipping west and to South America. There is a need for our high level of security with piracy these days." His father always boasted about the security at Sun Industries. The amusing part was that they hired illegal circles and pirates to protect their ships. "How is Sun Entertainment? I heard you have a new artist? What is her name? Gigi?"

"That's Seong's business you know that." Gavin didn't like discussing his business too much with his father since it would lead to a discusson, or rather a lecture, on how he should hand over Sun Entertainment to someone else and take up the reigns at Sun Industries.

"She is quite attractive." Gavin rolled his eyes, his mother must be standing nearby for his father to say this.

"Tell Mom hello. I have to go. I'll be there the day before National Holiday."

"ok. I'll hang up first." Gavin didn't wait for his father to hang up, he just ended the call.

The custom of saying who was going to hang up was antiquated and was a verbal way of showing one's status over the other person on the phone. Elders always hung up first. Unless it was a woman, that was an exception.

Gavin retreated to his study to focus on the proposals he had on his desk and to listen to the new song Gigi recorded. He put Lily out of his mind in self-preservation and finally got some work done.

At 9pm exactly Gavin showed up to Club Rue dressed in dark colored jeans, a white button up shirt with the collar open and a black sports coat. The private entrance to his suite was on the side of the building out of view from the main doors of the club. Seong was waiting for him at the private entrance when Gou opened the door. Gavin nodded in greeting to Seong and the two men walked into the club. Unlike at his other club, Sea Night Club, the private entrance didn't go upstairs it instead led through a back hallway that veered toward a private room with the one way mirrored glass, or to a VIP section with a table roped off just for Gavin Sun and his guests. This was where Gavin generally entertained friends, celebrities, and businessmen. Entertainment reporters sometimes parked near Club Rue to catch the comings and goings of celebrities from Sun Entertainment. Every now and then a reporter would make it inside but the lighting was never good for photos or videos.

Gavin and Seong walked to the VIP area and the manager immediately greeted them, snapping his fingers for several of the female wait staff to come over and tend to them. Gavin was disinterested in their attention, but Seong was all smiles and ordered several beers and a few small plates of food. Gavin hadn't said anything and Seong felt like things were awkward.

"Care to talk?" Seong finally said then took a sip of beer.

"Not really." Gavin's tone was cold.

"Can we just be best friends tonight?" Seong felt like Gavin had been completely distant the past month.

"Sure." Gavin took a sip of his beer and said nothing more.

"So what is her name again?" Seong tiptoed on the conversation.


"what family is she from?" Seong really knew nothing about this girl.

"The Yi family." Gavin offered nothing more. The Yi family could be any number of families. Seong felt like she was insignificant.

The two men sat in silence just drinking beer. A young beautiful female stopped by to see if they needed anything more. Seong flirted with the girl and Gavin stared off watching the crowd of people on the dance floor. Suddenly Gavin recognized Li Wen and noticed she was trying to pull Gigi away from several men that were dancing provocatively with her. Gigi appeared to be intoxicated.

"I believe your starlet may cause some trouble for you this evening." Gavin said to Seong while motioning with his chin toward the dance floor.

"Jeezus." Seong immediately left the table and went over to rescue Gigi and her manager.

Unfortunately for Gavin Sun, Seong brought the pair back to the table. Gavin sat up straight looking stiff and uncomfortable as Gigi tried to wiggle her way into the booth next to him.

"Gavin darling!" Gigi cooed. Gavin stared daggers at her but didn't answer.

"I'm sorry CEO Sun." Li Wen looked embarrassed and hung her head.

Gavin waved his hand and said nothing.

"Why are you apologizing!" Gigi scolded her manager. Her voice was high pitched and her words slurred. She was dressed in club attire that included a cropped top and a skirt that was a little too short showing all of her thighs, and almost her unmentionables too. Gavin didn't dare look down as she sat near him in a very unlady like position. He was actually very irritable now and wanted to return home. He texted Gou discretely letting him know to get the car ready. Gou was standing nearby and left immediately. Seong noticed that Gou left and knew it meant his best friend was about to leave.

"Gav, at least stay until we finish the beer." Seong leaned over and said quietly.

"Are you leaving!!!!" Gigi asked loudly. Gavin glared at Seong for not being quiet enough, thus allowing Gigi to know his plan to exit.

"I have an early day tomorrow in the office." Gavin did not owe this woman any explanation but he didn't want any attention drawn over either.

"But it's Saturday! You don't have to work on Saturday!" Gigi argued again loudly.

Seong looked at Li Wen for help and felt that this was about to become a bad situation.

"Gigi. CEO Sun is a busy man." Li Wen tried to explain.

"Gavin, darling, did you at least listen to my song?" Gigi asked with big eyes.

"yes." Gavin replied simply.

"and?" Gigi coaxed.

"it will work." Gavin was not in the mood to discuss business with this drunken woman.

"YAY!" Gigi bounced up and down in the seat "ORDER CHAMPAGNE! We are celebrating my love song!" Gigi yelled out to the wait staff who hurriedly left to get champagne. A passerby overheard Gigi's exclamation and whispered to her friends that Master Sun and Gigi were celebrating. Soon the entire club was buzzing with news that Master Sun and Gigi were celebrating something and rumors with speculation started that it was possibly an engagement. The young men that had previously been dancing provocatively with Gigi on the dance floor rushed over to apologize to Master Sun. They didn't want to offend him or cause any issues. Gavin looked in horror at the scene in front of him. He waved his hand dismissing the young men and promptly stood to leave.

"Hey man, don't leave yet." Seong pleaded.

"You celebrate with her. I'm going home. I'll reach out to you another day." Gavin was truly angry at the scene in his VIP booth. He was going to let Seong know to never bring that woman around his section again without asking. As the champagne arrived Gavin left through his entrance and rode off in his car.

"Go to Lily's Gou." Gavin instructed as they pulled onto the main street.

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