Fall For Me (Dixie D'Amelio)

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This is an EXTREMELY long chapter. I didn't mean to make it this long though

Dixie's View

My best friend, Sam, had invited me to go to a party with her. She knows I don't go to parties; she just needs a ride back since she'll be drunk.

We had just walked into the party and Sam walked off to find the Vodka. I walked around and just tried to blend in. I walked toward the cooler to get something to drink since my throat was aching.

"Hey! You're Dixie, right?" A voice said behind me.

"Who's asking?" I said raising one of my eyebrows.

"I'll take that as a yes." They said laughing.

"Your friend, Sam, dared you to play beer pong. You don't -" They said.

"Okay let's go." I said cutting them off.

I beat every person that was until I went up against the person who told me about this.

"Just so you know I can't get drunk." They said.

I was being defeated by the girl who challenged me.

"I told you, I can't get drunk." They said.

I left the game and went upstairs just to rest my head for a while. I was woken up later.

"DIxie?" The same voice said realizing I had woken up.

I had just realized I was in a bed when I fell asleep on the upstairs couch.

"What did you do?" I said with a worried look on my face.

"Nothing. Sam told me to tell you that she caught a cab home since you were asleep." They said.

"What's your name?" I asked changing the subject.

"Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." They said.

"Dixie D'Amelio." I said extending my hand.

They shook my hand and kept quiet for a couple of seconds.

"So, what's your story?" Y/n asked.

"You obviously know I have high standards. I don't do anything except go out on the first date. Well, actually the first 8 dates. I've never gotten to that point because men are jerks." I said looking over to Y/n with her eyes wide.

"You. Totally. Get. Me." Y/n said.

"That's exactly how I am. Did Sam ever tell you about a person named Joey?" Y/n asked.

"No, I don't think so." I said.

"Well, in the 8th grade I pretended I was in a relationship with a girl named Joey That way I was never asked on dates by guys." Y/n said.

"That's clever." I said before yawning.

"I should probably drive you home since you're drunk." Y/n said before carrying me across her shoulder.

"Where do you live?" Y/n asked while putting on her seatbelt.

"Home." I said feeling dizzy.

"I'm gonna text Sam." Y/n said taking out her phone.

Y/n put the car in drive and most of the drive was quiet until drunk me spoke.

"How do you get your hair so shiny?" I said touching her hair.

"It's called hair spray." Y//nsaid.

"I want pizza!" I said.

"Alright, I'll go get your pizza." Y/n said turning into 'Casey's Pizza'.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora