Strange (Charli D'Amelio)

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•Charli isn't a D'Amelio but you are

Charli's View

"Rebel!" Someone shouts.

A dog runs up to me and starts licking my face.

"I'm sorry." Someone says putting a leash on the dog.

I just stare at her and she looks confused.

"Are you lost?" She asks.

She looks at my leg and widens her eyes.

"I need you to speak to me so I can help you. What's going on?" She says.

"Run." I say.

"What?" She asks.

I point behind her and she turns around.

"Shit." She says.

She picks me up and runs through the woods with her dog following us. She goes to a house and carries me inside. She puts me down and her dog runs in.

"Who is he?" She asks locking the door.

"Bad guy." I say.

"Duh." She says.

"What's your name?" She says.

"Um, what?" I ask.

"I am Y/n. Who are you?" She says slowly.

"I no name." I say.

"You don't have a name?" Y/n asks.

"I no name." I say.

"I'm gonna call you Charli." She says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Char." She says.

"Char." I say.

"Li." She says.

"Li." I say.

"Charli." She says.

"Charli." I say.

"Yes." Y/n says.

I smile and she sighs.

"What happened to your leg?" She asks.

"I not know but it hurts." I say.

"It looks like it's broken. I'll take you to the hospital." She says.

"No hospital!" I say.

"Jesus Christ." She says.

"Bad people." I say.

"What do you want me to do about your leg?" Y/n asks.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now