LifeSaver (Dixie D'Amelio)

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Dixie and you are 25 

Y/n's View

"You're going to go through our obstacle course and the best 3 people will be recruited for the junior rescue team." Collin says.

Everyone goes to the obstacle course and I follow them.

I hear a scream and I turn around. I see a girl drowning and I run to the jetski. I go to the girl and pull them onto the jetski. I go back to the shore and the girl runs back to her mom. She thanks me and leaves. I get submerged and get pulled back out into the water.

Dixie's View

Y/n, the lifeguard, gets pulled back into the water by the tide and no one could see her. No one even saw her. I run into the water and swim to Y/n. The tide was so strong she couldn't even move. 

The tide moves and I wrap my arm around her. I swim back to shore and give her mouth-to-mouth. She sits up and coughs.

"Thank you." Y/n says.

"It's fine." I say helping her stand up.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Dixie." I say.

"Are you trying out?" She asks as we walk to the obstacle course.

"No, I'm here for my little sister." I say.

"We need someone like you." She says.

"I wouldn't want to ruin her chances." I say.

"There's junior team and a team the adults. You should take it." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

"I'll join." I say.

"Your sister tries out every summer and she always does well. The old coach would only recruit males. Collin and I were already here and we conviced to county to get rid of him. Now we're the coachs and I was definetly gonna recruit her." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

I smile and we get to the end of the obstacle.

Y/n's View

Dixie walks to her sister and I go to Collin.

"What happened to you?" Collin asks.

"The tide." I say.

He nods his head and flips the final tile.

"If you see your name, come here." He says.

I give a uniform to 3 people then Dixie and Charli come up. 

"What did I do differently?" Charli asks.

"You ace it every time." He says giving Charli a junior uniform. 

She smiles and I give Dixie a regualr uniform.

"Thanks babe." Dixie says.

I smile and she walks away.

"She didn't try out." He says.

"She saved my life." I say.

"Never mind." He says.

Time Skip

"Are you ask her out?" Collin asks.

"I don't know." I say.

"It's been 10 years since you and you're ex broke up. Sydney wants another parent. She's not even allowed to see her birth mom." He says.

Katelyn, my ex, tried to hurt Sydney after I broke up with her. The sad thing is, Katelyn doesn't know who Sydney's dad is.

"I don't even know if Sydney likes her." I say.

"She calls Dixie all the time when she's bored. Dixie answers every time without a problem." He says.

"I just don't want to pick the wrong girl." I say.

He laughs and I look at her.

"Dixie is famous and she's bringing more people to the beach. She tells us to give her checks to charity." He says.

"I'm gonna ask her." I say.

I see Dixie arguing with a man and it made me bite my lip.

"It gets serious when you bite your lip." He says.

I roll my eyes and walk toward Dixie.

"I'm not gonna tell you again." Dixie says. 

"It's not gonna harm anyone." The man says.

"Get off my beach." She says.

"Sie wird es dir nicht noch einmal sagen. Verschwinde von meinem Strand (she's not gonna tell you again. Get the fuck off of my beach.)" I say in German.

He gets up and leaves.

"That was hot." Dixie says.

I laugh and she smiles. We stare at each other and start to lean in.

"We gotta go." Charli says running to the boat.

I run to the jetski and Dixie gets in the boat.

"What exactly are we doing?" I ask through the walkie-talkie.

"A yacht caught on fire." Charli says.

"Is that even possible?" I ask.

"I guess so." She says.

We get to the yacht and I remembered it. My ex-girlfriend owned it and I broke up with her after she told me about it. Her dad couldn't afford a boat and she was VERY close to her ex who was rich. She started seeing him behind my back and she was using him for money. I broke up with her and she married him.

There's no way she can be on it right now. Right? No, wrong.

"You get the passengers." Charli says.

I climb on the boat and open the door to a cabin. Sure enough, they were there. Not panicking, but having sex.

"Do you not know that there is a fire?" I ask covering my eyes.

They put their clothes on and I take them out. This is so weird. I help them onto the boat and Charli takes them back to shore. I get on the jetski and follow them back.

"Hey, Y/n." Katelyn, my ex, says.

"Fuck you and fuck you." I say walking away.

"Don't be so cold." She says.

"You stole my money, cheated on me, and married the guy you cheated on me with." I say.

"Don't talk to my woman like that." Albert, her husband, says.

"Your "woman" is an ass." I say.

He shoves me and I sigh.

"Get off my beach." Dixie says pushing him.

He rolls his eyes and they leave.

"Thanks." I say.

"It's fine." She says.

"Can we talk about earlier?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

"I really like you and I want to be with you." I say.

She blushes and I smile.

"Me too." She says.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes." She says.

I smile and she kisses me.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now