Green Means Go (Dixie D'Amelio)

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Y/N's View

"Who is it?" Jessica asks as I put my yellow hoodie on.

My parents were out of town and they let me throw a stoplight party.

For those you who don't know, I'll explain. You wear green if you're single. You wear yellow it you're interested in someone at the party. You wear red if you're taken.

It's very rare that I like someone. I was in love with my biology partner. Her name is Dixie D'Amelio and she's beautiful, smart, and talented.

"Wait and see." I say.

I was on the soccer team and everyone thought I dated the cheerleaders. That was one time and it ended badly.

"It's gotta be a cheerleader." Callie says.

"You are wrong." I say.

The door opens and I see Dixie and Charli. Charli was wearing red and Dixie was wearing green. Charli wasn't in a relationship, but most people at our school are dicks.

"Who invited them?" Tyler whispers.

"I did." I say.

I walk over to them and Charli smiles.

"Hey Y/N." Charli says.

"Hi." I say.

She walks away and Dixie smiles.

"Since when do you wear yellow at this kinds of parties?" Dixie asks.

"I'm really interested in this girl." I say.

"May I know?" She asks.

"You'll find out by the end of the night." I says.

She nods her head and walks away.

"It's D'Amelio." Callie says.

"You aren't wrong." I say.

"When are you gonna tell her?" She asks.

"Later." I say.

Time Skip: Dixie's View

Charli had left, because she wasn't feeling well. Y/N drove her home and came back.

I liked Y/N a lot. She was a loose cannon so I never told anyone. I told Charli but she was worried about my heart.

I was gonna tell her but I saw something that pissed me off. Abby was sitting on Y/N's lap and I wanted to slap her. Y/N was interested in her, I don't even know what she sees in her. They dated before and Abby cheated.

"We're not gonna do this anymore." Y/N pushing Abby off of her.

"I love you." Abby says.

"You said the same thing to Brett." Y/N says.

Abby walks away and Y/N sighs.

"Alright, the party is over. Get the fuck out of my house:" Y/N says.

Everyone leaves immediately and Y/N comes over to me.

"It's Abby?" I ask.

"No, of course not." She says.

"Who is it?" I ask.

She looks around and takes me by the hand. She takes me upstairs to her room and shuts the door.

"It's you." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I know you don't like -" She says.

I gently grab her cheeks and kiss her.

Everything that happened after that, is NOT kid friendly.

Time Skip

"It probably didn't mean anything." I say to Charli.

"Whatever you say." Charli says.

Y/N comes over to me with a smile and kisses me.

"Oooop." Charli says walking away.

"Hey Y/N." I say.

"How are you, my love?" Y/N asks.

"Good." I say.

"You might think last night didn't mean anything. It did to me." She says.

I squint my eyes and she smiles.

"I don't like you Dixie." She says.

That's was fucking harsh.

"I'm in love with you and I have been since I first saw you. I want to spend to rest of my life with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" She says.

"Yes." I say.

She smiles and I kiss her. I close my locker and she holds my hand.

"At the next stoplight party, you can wear red." I say as we start to walk.

"We can wear red." She says.

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