Battlefield (Dixie, Charli, Avani, Addison)

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*I might end this book soon. No reason. Like, at all.

I randomly chose 11 parts about Dixie and 11 parts about Charli and added the reads. Dixie had 3,424 reads and Charli had 3,357 reads. When I write my next story, it will be about it Dixie.*

Charli's View

Dixie laughs and I open her door.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask sitting on her bed.

"This live interview is funny." Dixie says.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"WhoIsY/n her real name is Y/n Y/l/n. She's a DJ/singer." Dixie says.

"You should listen to her music. You know? When you get your heart broken by Hudson again." She says.

I roll my eyes and look at her tv.

"It's actually about a girl who broke my heart. She lied to me about liking girls and stole $2,000 out of my bank account." Y/n says.

"Where are they now?" Jack asks.

"She was actually married and she had a son. I was happy for her. She got away without getting hurt and I didn't." She says.

"What does that mean exactly?" He asks.

"She started abusing me and we argued a lot. She would yell at me and I would leave for a few hours. I would come back and she would always give me a garbage apology." She says.

"I loved her and I thought she loved me. We acted like nothing happened when we were with other people. Every night, it just kept repeating. She gets drunk, yells at me, hits me, I leave, she apologizes, I forgive her, we hang out with people, we go home, and it starts over." She says.

"I can tell it broke your heart." He says.

"What were you doing before you got famous?" Jack asks.

"I got a master's degree in music and I went to my brother's studio." She says.

"Who inspires you?" He asks.

"I'm not gonna lie and say my parents. They need to fix their marriage for me to say that." She says.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"I don't have one. It's the better half of myself." She says.

"This is the last question. Who's your celebrity crush?" He says.

"I used to have a crush omn--." She says.

I hear thunder and the power goes out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Dixie asks sitting up.

I laugh and she smiles. Dixie's phone rings and she put it on speaker.

"Is this Dixie D'Amelio?" The caller asks.

"Yeah, who's this?" Dixie asks.

"My name is Matt and I'm WhoIsY/n's manager." They say.

Her jaw drops and I giggle.

"Okay." She says.

"Is Charli nearby?" Matt asks.

"Yes." She says.

"Do you guys want to do a song with WhoIsY/n?" Matt asks.

"Yes." She says.

"Okay, when are you free?" He asks.

"Anytime." Dixie says.

"Okay. Tomorrow at 2:00 PM please go to (random address). The code is 6272." He says.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now