Hate Me (Dixie D'Amelio)

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You and Dixie are 21.

Y/n's View

Dixie was searching my phone and she looked up. She threw my phone at me and it cracked.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She hits me and I back up.

"What did I do?" I ask.

She hit me again and I left the room to give her some time. I go downstairs and she follows me.

"Quit lying to me." Dixie shouts.

I back up and Marc comes downstairs.

"I don't even know what I did." I say.

"You're a fucking liar." She says as Marc stops her from getting near me.

"Can we just talk about it?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath and Marc lets her go. We went to her room and she closed the door.

"Everything you tell me is a lie!" Dixie shouts.

The yelling, screaming, fighting, crying, throwing things at me, hitting me, and her dad having to take her out of the room because she tries to choke me. It turned me on at first, but now she's trying to hurt me. It never ends.

"Why would I lie to my girlfriend of 5 years?" I ask.

"How do you say I love you then go fuck another girl?" She asks.

"How do you say that you won't leave me then go kiss another girl?" She asks.

"You're acting like I did something wrong." I say.

"Someone else answered your phone and told me that you were sleeping. Who would answer if you live alone?" She says.

"This relationship isn't gonna last another day if you keep lying, Y/n." She says.

"I'm telling you everything but lies." I say.

"Can you just be honest with me for once?" She says.

"I have never cheated on you and I'm trying my hardest to make you happy." I say.

She sighs and covers her eyes.

"Baby --" I say.

"Fuck you. I thought you gave two fucks about me." She says.

I sigh and she sits down.

"Why can't you trust me?" I ask.

She throws a picture frame at me and I dodge it.

"I hate you." Dixie says without an expression.

I stare at her with tears in my eyes and she just looks at me.

"Fuck you." I say starting to cry.

I leave and she follows me.

"Y/n." She says.

"No." I say going down the stairs.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"Are you trying to tell me how much you hate me?" I ask as Charli comes downstairs.

"I love you." She says.

"You want me out of your life, so I'm leaving." I say.

I leave and Dixie starts to cry. The door opens and Charli comes outside.

"Y/n." Charli says as I walk down the street.

She catches up with me and I sigh.

"What happened?" She asks.

"She keeps accusing me and I'm over it. I love her and acting she she doesn't know it." I say.

"Dixie loves you --" She says.

"She told me she hated me 2 minutes ago." I say.

"I just want to be alone right now." I say.

She nods her head and goes back home.

Time Skip: Ashton (Y/n's step-sister)'s View

I'm worried about Y/n. She keeps locking herself in her room, she's not eating, she's not going to school, and she's been crying a lot. I don't even know what's going on.

When Charli called, she hung up. Then Dixie called and she broke her phone in half, hit it with a hammer, and threw it in the oven at 400 degrees.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it. I saw Dixie and she looked sad. I hugged her and she stared to cry.

"What's wrong?" I ask letting her in.

"We started arguring and I said something I didn't mean." Dixie says.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I told her that I hated her, but I don't. I love her and I can't sleep without knowing that she's okay." She says.

I nod my head and take her upstairs.

"Y/n." I say knocking on her door.

She didn't say anything so I walked in. She was sitting on her bed with and didn't blink.

"Y/n." I say.

She didn't say anything and she just stared at the wall. She was mumbling something and I got closer to hear.

"Chase me, chase me, tell me how you hate me. Erase me, 'rase me, wish you never dated me. Lies, tell me lies, baby, tell me how you hate me." Y/n mumbles.

I touched her arm and she flinched. She blinked at looked at me.

"I don't want to talk." Y/n says.

"Talk to her. Neither of you can live without each other." I say.

Y/n's View

I nod my head and Ashton leaves before closing the door. Dixie sits next to me and we stay silent.

"I'm sorry." Dixie says.

I don't say anything and she sighs.

"I love you and you know that." She says.

"Why did you say that you hated me?" I ask.

"I didn't think about how you felt about me yelling, screaming, hitting you, searching your phone, and throwing things at you." She says.

I hold her hand and sigh.

"I love you and no one can change that." I say looking at her.

She smiles and I kiss her.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

"How are we gonna fix things?" She asks.

"How are you gonna fix things?" I ask.

"What can I do?" She asks sitting on my lap.

I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck.

"I want to make you cum." I whisper in her ear.

"Are you serious?" She asks blushing.

"Yes." I say.

I kiss her neck and she moans.

"I just cleaned those sheets!" Ashton shouts from downstairs.

Dixie laughs and I kiss her neck.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now