Empty (Charli D'Amelio)

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Charli's View

"I love you." Y/n says.

"I love you too." Katie says.

I don't know how she can look her in her eyes and say that to Y/n.

She's been cheating on her for months and Y/n doesn't deserve that. It went on for a while until they broke up. They got back together and Katie didn't cheat.

Yesterday she tried to have sex with Addison in the bathroom.

They kiss and Y/n walks over to me.

"Did you understand the homework?" I ask.

"We had homework?" Y/n asks.

"Stop having sex with your girlfriend in the bathroom and learn." I say.

She laughs and I smile.

Time Skip: Y/n's View

I open the door and I hear a moan. It's familar.


I did even want to use the bathroom anymore. I hear whispering and the stall door opens.

"Y/n." Katie says.

"I'm done with you." I say leaving.

She follows me out of the batroom and everyone looks confused.

"It's not what it looks like." She says.

"Really? You're fucking my softball teammate." I say.

She tried to grab my hand and I walk away.

"We could fix it, like last time." She says.

I turn around and stare at her.

"I don't want to fight in front of everyone." She says.

"I'm tired you sleeping with my friends, lying to my face, telling me that you love me, and acting like nothing happened. I'm the only one who gets hurt." I say.

"I'm surprised you haven't gotten into Charli's pants. Oh, wait. You have." She says.

"You sleep with Charli, tell her that you love her, cover your hickeys, come to my house, play Minecraft with my little brother, tell my parents how much you love me, go upstairs, and sleep with me." She says.

Charli and I have never been more than friends. Dixie and I have, but it was one time. Katie and I weren't dating. Dixie sat on my lap and kissed me. We were both drunk and I didn't mean anything to us.

"Why did you try to sleep with Addison, Dixie, and Charli?" I ask.

Everyone gasps and she looks unbothered.

"You tried to sleep with them in my bed." I say.

"I'm gonna tell everyone how you treated me." She says.

"I gave you money everyday, I bought you clothes, I told you that you were beautiful, I paid your family's rent for a year, and I gave you everything you asked for." I say.

"Leugenaar (liar)." I say.

*I'm mostly Dutch and it is my first language. I don't speak in that language often. I'm sorry if it's inaccurate.*

Her first language is Dutch so I know she understood it. She slapped me and everyone gasped. She starts yelling at me in Dutch and everyone is confused.

''We zijn voorbij (we're over)." I say.

I walk away and leave the building. I stand by the pond and sigh.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now