Drowning (Titanic) #2 (Charli D'Amelio)

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She takes me by the hand and pulls me towards the area where the rooms are.

"Do you think they'll make a movie about us?" I say as we go down the stairs.

"That's the last thing we should be worried about, but if they did, it would be awesome." She says as I swipe my card.

"I know, right?" I say as we go in the room.

She goes to Dixie to wake her up and I go to Buddy and wake him up.

"How are we gonna tell the others?" Buddy asks.

I go to the fire alarm break the glass.

"There you go." I say.

We leave the room and everyone is trying to leave as the area begins to flood.

"This way." I say.

We go the opposite direction from everyone else and get to the top of the boat.

"There's no signal, how are we gonna get out?" Dixie asks.

It was a modern boat and it sunk a lot faster. I looked at the boats and saw that they were all full.

"We could climb up there." Charli says looking up.

I look up and she a long pole in the sky.

"That's our only option." I say.

We all climb up the pole and wait. The boat leans and Buddy almost falls. I grab his hand and pull him back up.

"Um, guys?" Dixie asks.

I look down and see the side of the boat that we're on is sinking.

"We stay here for as long as possible." Buddy says.

"It's sinking too fast and we're too high up. We'll die on impact." I say.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Charli asks.

"We climb down and jump." I say.

"That sounds stupid." Buddy says.

"I know you've been taking care of me for the last 5 years, but this is a bad situation. So shut up and let me handle things for once." I say.

"I never thought of it that way." He says.

"I know you're having a moment, but we're gonna die." Dixie says.

We climb down and go to the railing. Buddy and Dixie jump and it's just me and Charli left.

"3, 2..." Charli says as they swim up to the surface.

"1." I say pushing her.

I jump into the water after her and the ship goes under the water.

"Now what do we do?" Dixie asks.

"We survive." I say.

"How?" Charli asks.

"That." I say pointing to a boat that flipped over.

We swim to the boat and flip it over.

"Oh my god." Charli says over and over again.

Frozen bodies came from under the boat and they were dead. They couldn't have made it another 10 mintues.

"Charli..." Dixie says as we get in the boat.

Charli starts to cry and I wipe her tears.

"Charli, we gotta get through this. We can cry later, crying right now is just going to make you colder." I say putting my arm around her.

She nods her head and Buddy sits in the driver seat. Keep in mind, these boats have a motor.

"I don't know how to get to shore." Buddy says.

"Here." I say giving him a map.

We were from Antarctica, this was nothing to us. Charli and Dixie were cold and there was noting we could do about it. If we huddled together, they would just be colder.

"I don't understand this." He says.

"Move out of the fucking way." I say.

He gets out of the chair and I sit down. I turn the boat on and put my hands on the string wheel.

"Do you know where you're going?" He asks.

"The boat was on the same course as the first boat. Shore was to the South of the ship and it took a while for it get warmer if you went any other way." I say.

Time Skip

I was about to pass out and I wasn't going to wake up. I tiredly looked up and saw the shore. It was about a mile away.

"We're almost there." I say widening my eyes.

"Oh thank god. Shake Shack here I come." Dixie says.

I made the boat go faster and we got to the shore. Our clothes had already dried up, but I was still cold. We all got out the boat and I fell on the ground.

"Y/N!" Buddy says kneeling beside me.

I weakly roll my sleeve up and show him where the glass was in my skin.

"Fuck this." Dixie says kneeling beside me.

She pulls the glass up and tears her sleeve. She wraps my arm and Charli helps me get up. We weakly walk to where the lifeguards were. We tell them what happened and they use their radio.

"Do you need medical attention?" One of them asks.

"Need food." Buddy says.

"Need heat." Charli says.

"Need clothes." I say.

He looks at Dixie and she looks like she's so over this whole experience.

"Need everything, bro. I'm cold, hungry, bored, and pissed. I definitely need some Shake Shack." Dixie says.

"Alright." The lifeguard says.

He opens the door to the truck and hands us all a shirt and pair of pants.

"The showers are that way." He says.

"Thank god, I smell so bad." Buddy says.

"One, we all smell bad. Two, ever since I met you, you have always smelt weird." I say

Time Skip

"I'm gonna miss you." Charli says.

"You don't have to miss me." I say picking up a marker.

She raises an eyebrow as I write my number on a piece of paper.

"Here." I say giving the paper to her.

"Thank you again, for saving us." She says.

"Don't mention it, you helped me." I say.

"Our kiss was interrupted." She says shyly.

I laugh and kiss her.

"Y/N we gotta go." Buddy says from outside.

I hug her and she smiles.

"I gotta go, cutie." I say.

She giggles and I kiss her. I head for the door and she calls my name.

"Yes?" I ask turning around.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you, too." I say.

A/N: Am I the only person who think The Titanic would have been a good movie if it was gay?

If Dixie was Rose in the movie, I would watch it 24/7. We could replace Jack with a girl and it could be one big gay movie. I'd love it.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now