What I Didn't Complete/Publish

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*These are chapters I didn't complete or publish.*

The Proposal
Charli isn't related to Dixie, she's your younger sister.

Dixie's View

I open my eyes and Y/n wasn't in beed. She probably left early like she always does. She's an influencer and she always leaves my house early.

When I ask her why, she ignored the question. She gives me everything so I don't force her to answer it.

Y/n's View

"No, I won't be here." Charli says.

"Why?" Matt asks.

"We're going to Paris." She says.

"Why?" He asks.

"What's with the questions?" I ask.

I hate him. So much. He's my stepfather and all he does is sit in the couch and eat food.

"Why are you going to Paris?" He asks.

"You're not my dad!" Charli says.

"You always wanna hear something! Ugly ass fuckin' noodlehead." I say.

He hangs up and we laugh.

"Be nice to Matt." Dad says.

"He's an asshole." She says.

"I couldn't have said that any better." I say fist-pumping her.

"I know you don't like him, but pretend." He says.

"No." We say.

"Why are you going to Paris." He asks.

"Y/n is proposing to Dixie." Charli says.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"I knew she would be your first wife." He says.

"Only wife." He says correcting himself.

She laughs and I smile. There's a knock on the door and I open it. I see Dixie and I kiss her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask letting her in.

"Charli, told me to come over." Dixie says.

"Huh?" Charli asks.

She looks up and nods her head when she sees Dixie.

"Come." Charli says pulling Dixie upstairs.

Charli's View

"What did you want to talk about?" Dixie asks.

"You have been with Y/n for 5 years." I say.

"Yeah." She says smiling.

"I know you're too scared to ask her the question." I say.

"What? No." She says.

"You're afraid to ask her if you can have sex for the first time." I say.

"Y-yeah." She says.

"She's waiting for you. You got drunk one day and you tried to sleep with her. She turned you down, because of what you said. She told me she was sad since you didn't mean it." She says.

Bonnie and Clyde
Y/n's View

I'm so over girls. Sophie is the most ignorant human alive. She thinks it's okay to sleep with every girl then try to sleep with her wife.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now