Pls Pick Me Up (Dixie D'Amelio)

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Y/n's View


Pls pick me up

Who are you

It's Dixie
Dixie D'Amelio
What's your name, stranger?

Y/n. I have no idea who you are

Just come get me


6074 (random address) I think I'm wearing a jacket and a crop top

Okay, I'm look for a drunk girl


That was a text I had gotten 10 minutes ago. Here I was. Walking into a party looking for a girl in a crop top. Do you know how many girl wear crop tops in Califonia? 

"Y/n?" Someone asks.

I look and see a girl with a croptop and a jacket.

"Dixie?" I ask.

"I think so." Dixie says.

"I'll take that as a yes." I say picking her up.

I carry the girl into the front seat of my car and she's trying to get into her phone.

"Where do you live?" I ask.

"Connecticut." Dixie says.

"What street?" I ask.

"I don't fucking know. Just take me to your house." She says.

"You could be a kidnapper." I say.

"Liar." She says.

I sigh and drive back to my house. She reaches over and she holds my hand.

"It will be alright, baby." She says.

"You must be high too." I say.

"Bitch, please." She says.

Time Skip

I carry her upstairs and put her on the guest bed.

"I gotta pee." Dixie say getting up.

She tumbles into the bathroom and comes back without pants.

"Dixie." I say.

"I'll take my shirt off too, if that's what you want." She says.

She tries to take her shirt off and I stop her.

"Please don't." I say.

"Fine." She says laying on the bed.

I sigh and head for the door.

"Y/n." She says.

"Hmm?" I ask turning around.

"I want to cuddle." She says walking toward her.

"Did you forget that you're straight?" I ask.

"Who said that? They're lying." She says.

I sigh and she pats the spot next to her.

"You can be the big spoon and I'll be the little spoon." She says as I lay next to her.

Time Skip

"I've been raped." Someone shouts.

I open my eyes and see Dixie trying to break the window.

"Dixie." I say sitting up.

"I've been raped by someone who knows my name." She says as I walk toward her.

"Calm down." I ask gently holding her hands.

"What happened?" She asks.

"You texted me and told me you needed someone to pick you up. You didn't know your address at the time and you told me to bring you here. You went into the bathroom and cane out without pants." I say.

"Why was I in your arms?" She asks.

"You told me you wanted to cuddle. You said I could be the big spoon and you can be the little spoon." I say.

She looks confused and I nod my head. She kisses me and I was confused.

"What?" I ask.

"It's you. You're the person I've been having dreams about. She says.

"I guess so." I say.

"Please have sex with me." She says.

"What? No.  You just said that I raped you. Now you want me to have sex with you." I say.

"Yeah, but you're cute, nice, a good person, and you're my soulmate." She says.

"How about dinner first?" I ask.

"Ugh. Fine." She says.

I walk towards the door and she jumps on my back.

"Dixie." I say.

She pulls me to the ground and I stare at her. She kisses me and smiles.

"You're like a stalker." I say as she unbuttons my shirt.

TIme Skip

I had been having fun with Dixie until her dad knocked on my door.

"I don't trust you with my daughter." Marc says.

I give him my driver's licence and show him the text Dixie sent me.

"Why doesn't she have pants on?" He asks.

"She wanted to come here so I let her come here. She went in the bathroom and came out without pants." I say.

"Dixie?" He asks.

"Yup." Dixie says walking to us.

"This my girlfriend, baby Y/n." She says holding my hand.

"Uhh." I say.

He gives my phone and ID back before leaving.

"He scares me." I say.

I turn around and see Dixie on one knee.

"Dixie." I say.

She had wide smile and I sigh.

"We met 20 hours ago." I say.

"Everything has to go a certain way." She says.

She gets up and  I sigh.

"Dixie, I like you. We have to take things slow. My divorce with my abusive ex just got finalized and I need a little time." I say.

She gasps and grabs her chest.

"Who hurt baby Y/n?" She asks.

I laugh a little and she smiles.

"For real, who hurt you so I can kill them?" She asks.

I smile and she kisses my cheek.

"Ice cold." I say.

She rolls her eyes and I kiss her.

"Marry me." She says.

I take the ring from her and put it on her finger.

"I'll marry you." I say.

"I didn't think you would say yes." She says.

"Neither did I." I say.

Her jaw drops and I smile. She hugs me and I kiss her forehead.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots ✓Where stories live. Discover now