Chapter Sixty Five

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A/N: So hellloooo my lovely readers. Hope all of you are happy and healthy! Well, I am so happy to present to you the last chapter of this book BUT there is an epilogue which I will update in three days so stay tuned for that.

Also, at the end of this chapter, I will release the cover as well as the synopsis for my new book - Raven's DarkNess - which I'll be releasing in 3 days also. So please read my author's note at the end to see.

Also, any guesses for who Raven might be? Or who this book features mainly? Like which Alpha this book is about? Etc.

Anyway, Enjoy....

My eyes dart to Matthew at the same time his darts to mine. Something twists in me. It's like vines wrap around my heart and pierce into every single part of me. Endlessly. Continuously. And I just can't control it.

"Why Matthew?" I question, refusing at accept it. The vines tighten harder.

"We need an Alpha or an Alpha's child. He's an Alpha and your brother wants him to pay for everything he did to you. So we're killing two birds with one stone. It's either him or the baby. Smile, Mikayla, you should be happy," Nessa sighs with an eye roll.

"You want to kill my mate! Do you want to kill me in turn? Are you people crazy?" I scream losing it as I push Rochelle away. Then I turn towards my brother. His blue eyes don't seem the least bit thoughtful. "Is that why Rochelle kidnapped him?"

"Yes, I hired her to do it. She's an assassin. The best one but she was just so slow," Logan mutters with a snarl, annoyed and disgusted when he looks at Rochelle. It's like he wants to strangle her.

"Logan, Matthew would just not yield. It's not my fault!" Rochelle argues, looking flustered. "He's too hung up over Mikayla over here,"

"It's your job to seduce men and kill them or kidnap them! That's why I hired you!" Logan shouts at her. It's so harsh that his voice reverberates everywhere causing the leaves on the trees to move sharply.

That's when it hits me. I let out a worn out breath. I should have known.

"You're one of the Assassins'? That terror gang Alpha Kai swore to kill?" I question and she nods.

"He swears up and down about a lot of shit. He never actually does anything though. Quite a piece of work my Alpha is, honestly. Quite a piece of shit too," she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over each other. Logan's eyes look wary of her bold statement against Kai and I understand considering this whole mess started because Logan spoke up against him.

Kai will forever be the tyrant that we all love to hate yet every one of us trembles at the mention of his name, afraid to invite trouble.

In Kai's pack, they have a problem. A huge problem. They are called the Assassins' and they do just that - assassinate. They pick men to seduce based on whatever criteria is given to them by whoever is paying them and then murder them. No one knows who they are or how they act but they are highly trained and very dangerous. Now I understand that that's why Rochelle is so strong yet, so beautiful. She's an Assassin. It explains everything.

If Kai catches her, she would be dead on the spot. Since Kai's father died, the Assassins' have grown and terrorised his whole pack, raining havoc on them all. No matter how he tries, he just can't get rid of them and the situation keeps escalating. That's why he has a 'kill on sight' order against the Assassins'. If you find one, you kill one lest they kill you first. And after all that Rochelle has put me through today, I have no doubt in my mind that she really could kill me.

"Is your name even really Rochelle?" I question. Basically, she's just an illusion.

"Maybe," she shrugs. "Who knows?"

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