Chapter Twelve

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"Who are you?" I blurt out, despite knowing exactly who it is that stands before me now, black eyes staring me down mundanely.

The last time I saw Matthew, we were young and he was a lanky teenager too tall for his body. His height coupled with his slender frame just looked awkward and gangly. Now, he has filled out. His body is toned and shoulders are broader. The awkwardness is gone and now replaced with attractiveness and a somewhat alluring appeal.

I suck in a lofty breath and take in his appearance again. I soon realise that I'm not the only one who fancies black or leather jackets. His black leather jacket is draped over his black inner shirt paired with dark pants and boots. His black hair is pushed to the side and different from the unruliness I remember. As a teenager, Matthew's hair was a hurricane but now, it looks completely tamed.

I push myself off my huge table and force myself to stand confidently, ignoring the memories that flood my mind as I straighten my shoulders and say "I asked who are you?"

He blinks at me, hands blatantly shoved in his pocket when he says "I'm your salvation."

My knees go weak and nearly crumbles instantly as I clasp both of my fingers around the edge of the table in agitation and for support. His voice is even more sultry than I remember, more husky. It was always low but never this inviting.

"Such powerful words." I force out, fighting against the sudden feelings whirling around in my stomach and somehow, pushing my Alpha out to exude some version of control even if it's completely fake. I continue "Now give me your name."

"Matthew." He deadpans, gaze never leaving my eyes. I force my gaze to remain firm against his as sweat breaks out onto my skin from his confirmation.

The minute I saw those eyes, I knew it was him. It had to be him. I could never forget those dark eyes. His black eyes have stayed with me for six years. I could just never forget them. I could never forget him.

"And why are you in my office Matthew?" I ask, forcing my voice to come out steadier than it feels.

He regards me for a moment, his back pressing further against the hardwood of the office door and I realise now that he closed us in. I want to address this when he suddenly speaks.

"From what I was told, you are a new Alpha that needs help with training and controlling your pack so I was sent here to help you." He tells me, his expression never changing and I can't decide whether him speaking with me is boring him or not because right now, he looks like he couldn't give a care in the world that he stands before me.

Things quickly click in my mind and I can't help the way my eyes narrow at him in accusation before I ask "Are you saying that Alpha Kai sent you here?"

"More or less." He raises his shoulders in a shrug and I turn away from him, going around my table to reach the telephone.

I dial Alpha Kai's number frantically, while still keeping my eyes on Matthew whose eyes are still pinned against me. They are unrelenting and literally burning into my skin, unnerving me.

It's been six years Kayla! Why are you still so affected?

Alpha Kai answers after the first few rings and says "Hello?"

"Hello, Alpha Kai, it's Kayla here." I introduce myself despite the fact I know that he knows it's me "There is a man in my office. His name is Matthew and he says that you sent him to help me."

"Yes, I did." He agrees through the phone and I can feel my face visibly fall "You requested for help and he's a close friend of mine. Also, I trained him so he should be more than capable of helping you handle your pack."

The DarkNess Within Him | ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz