Chapter Three

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Chapter warning: this chapter has violent/abusive content. Skip to the end if you aren't comfortable with such material.

Jayce's gold eyes go from mine, then drags down my body before finding the bottle of pills before him.

I stiffen, fear coursing through my very essence as he leans down to pick the bottle up. Each movement of his is slow and daunting in almost a purposeful way. Almost.

I want to protest, to go over there and grab that bottle out from his hands but my whole body simply won't move. I stay stuck in place, shudders creeping onto my skin, almost battering my senses as he stands up, his eyes narrowing at the bottle which looks miniscule within his hand.

He grips it ferociously, so hard that I know that if he is to grip it even a little harder, it will crush. He looks up at me and when his eyes lock with mine, I can't help the sweat that breaks out on my forehead. I instinctively take small steps back.

Jayce is furious.

The anger I see in his eyes right now, I have never seen so distinct in his eyes before. And I've seen him mad more times than I've seen him happy but this is just different. It's much more threatening, more deadly...

My back hits the cold bathroom tile and I am halted, suddenly realising how trapped I am as Jayce begins to stalk towards me, fists balled at his sides.

With each step he takes towards me, I feel my heart tightening within my chest, dropping into my stomach as an indescribable wave of fear washes over me, my back pressing itself incessantly against the tile desperately wanting to escape.

Jayce stops before me and I don't even have the time to do anything other than gulp before his hands are on both of my arms roughly after tossing the bottle to the side and he pulls me to him painfully.

"So this is why you're not pregnant!" He screams angrily, each syllable distinct as it pierces into the air with perfect sharpness and I begin to fidget as I look into his bloodshot eyes.

Anytime now.

"Let me explain-" I begin with stutters, my body visibly shaking within his large hands and then it comes.

The stinging slap from the back of his hands has my flying out of his hand and landing brashly against the bath tub, the right side of my head taking most of  the impact.

I raise my head slowly, the throbbing within my ears loud as I feel liquid run down my temple. My blood.

Blood runs down my nose as well and from the way my nose hurts, I don't doubt that Jayce just broke it.

I look to the side of the bath tub I landed and my blood as well as a small piece of my skin stares back at me, smearing the porcelain. The feeling within my stomach is sickening as I look up at my mate.

Considering the amount of blood I feel coming out of me, running down my face and the instant whimpers emerging from my lips, you would think that Jayce would calm down.

He hasn't.

Instead, he charges towards me, even more determined as he lifts me off the floor while my head throbs painstakingly. The putrid smell of my own blood has me disorientated but Jayce still wears the expression of pure insatiable anger on his face.

My blood doesn't faze him. He's seen too much of it already. He's beyond being fazed by it by now.

I stare at his eyes pleadingly nonetheless. This seems to irritate him further as he strikes me on my other cheek and I jerk backwards so forcefully that I end up several feet away from him. My body lands into the hardwood floor of the bedroom, the bashed side of my head making contact with it causing me to cry out in sheer pain and when I lift my head and see the pool of my own blood beneath me, I can't stop the tears that escape my eyes.

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