Chapter Two

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So I decided to be updating earlier. Hence, expect updates three hours earlier than usual from now on...

The full weight of what Neil just said hits me quickly, my knees quaking beneath me in fear.

"How did I not know that tonight is the full moon?" I hollow, eyes darting around desperately as I push my fingers through my tough dark hair.

The full moon isn't good for Jayce and especially not good for me. After the mandatory shift, Jayce's wolf refuses to fully leave his body until dawn. If I'm not careful, he could hurt me very badly. The last full moon, he threw me at the bedroom wall and I ended up landing harshly on my wrist and breaking it in the process.

"I wouldn't expect you to keep track." Neil says, his eyes mirroring the worry in mine "Everyday with my brother must feel like an eternity for you already."

I sigh in agreement.

Ever since I got here or well better put, was brought here, Neil has been nice to me. He treats me like his sister and has tended to my wounds a few times. Well, considering sometimes, his brother is violent to him as well, I guess we connect on an emotional level.

Neil places his hands on either side of my shoulder. "Don't make him mad." He warns.

I huff slightly.

"Why would I do that?" I argue, rolling my eyes.

"You tend to be blunt. It gets you into alot of trouble. So please, at least for tonight, put a leash on you tongue." I can see the plea in Neil's eyes and I feel gratitude fill my chest at his care for me.

I nod in agreement at the same time he releases my shoulder.

"How's Claire?" I ask, remembering his angry mate and wondering if he has appeased her.

His face scrunches together quickly in irritation.

Neil and Claire fight alot. They are the kind of mates that spend all day arguing and hitting each other and then, at night, all the anger turns into immense passion in their bed.

It's strange to see them not angry at each other but beneath the arguments, teasing and annoyance, their love for each other runs deep. Even if their way of expressing it is quite aggressive for my taste but hey, at least neither is a punching bag to the other.

"She's upset I didn't get her a dress she liked." He says grimacing and I have to bite back a laugh.

"Oh common Neil, if it was just a dress then I don't see why you won't get it for her!"

"The dress has this horrible green colour. Claire looks so ugly in green, it makes her skin look so scaly and sick." He makes a face, as if trying to wipe a bad memory from his mind "She's so adamant on looking ugly!"

I laugh heartily, clutching my hands to my stomach as the effort to laugh hits me hard and then suddenly, my stomach starts to growl in hunger.

Neil hears it and quickly frowns.

"You don't eat." Neil declares in obvious irritation "You're so thin now that I fear you'll come apart. I'm surprised Jayce hasn't noticed."

I scoff, my eyes looking away at the the thought.

Considering he's responsible for my weight loss with his physical assault and emotional battering, why would he care?

Before I can even answer, Neil grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs and towards the dinning room.

I sit down at the same time Neil goes to the kitchen to get me something to eat.

The DarkNess Within Him | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora