Chapter Seven

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I scream before I can even open my eyes, my arms and legs flailing everywhere while I try to force my unwilling eyelids open, my heartbeat within my chest exceedingly rampant.

I had the same traumatic nightmare I have every night except this time, I wasn't the one Jayce almost killed, Logan was. Jayce killed my brother.

I scream more, every essence in me suddenly uncontrollable and that is when I feel a pair of strong hands encasing around both of my wrists. I feel myself being pushed back into a broad chest and despite the fact that the hand around my wrist restricts my thrashing, I find myself calming down.

My breathing begins to even, syncopating with the heartbeat of the person behind me and suddenly, the kicks of my legs cease and my screams stop. My eyelids open.

I take in the signs of dawn, the orangey lighting that is bathed in dimness. The product of the first signs of the early sun seeping through the curtain but not enough to illuminate my room. Just enough to inform us of its presence.

The hand around my wrist tightens at the same time I turn to search for my comforter. The one who calmed me down from my night terror.

The eyes I see has me squinting to double-check if I am dreaming. Clear blue like perfect and peaceful skies.


He stares down at me delicately, sitting up to prop his back against the bed head and through the shadows swirling around his face in abstract curves, I make out the dark patch coating Logan's left eye into a black eye. I also see the plaster placed expertly on the side of his cheek.

At least he's alive.

Wait! He's alive?!

I sit up quicker than my body can handle and as usual, it hits me square in the ribs. When are those damn things going to heal? It also sends a pain jolting from my right foot, up my leg and ceasing at my thigh.

I wince loudly remembering the cut in my right foot and I look over to see my foot wrapped in a bandage at the same time Logan places his hand over the side of my shoulder in a comforting way. I look at him to see his eyes soft, his face scrunched together in worry.

"How aren't you dead?" is all I can say to break the awkward silence.

"I have to say sister, you underestimate my physical strength. It's a shame." His face straightens and quickly, he goes back to the indifferent Logan I remember. The brother whose mind I could never get into, never truly understand what he was thinking. The Logan I know.

"Are you saying you won?" I gasp, surprised. How is that even possible?

Logan shrugs before replying "Yes."

"So Jayce is dead?" I resound with widened eyes, not understanding why I feel slightly shattered by this.

"No." Logan says with a clear cut glare "I spared him. I was going to kill him but then, I had a change of heart. I nearly beat him to death though, if that makes you feel better."

Logan had a change of heart? No, I know my brother. He doesn't just spare people. Especially people that get to him and I could see the hatred vested in Logan's eyes for Jayce. There is something more to this story, something he isn't telling me as to why Jayce isn't dead, why he didn't kill him.

I don't ask though, deciding I don't want to know. Instead, I clench my jaw, unable to decide how I feel, which way to go. Logan reaches out to touch my cheek with his index finger and I look towards him.

"I admit my mistake Mikayla. I should never have betrayed you by selling you for my selfish benefit. I don't have remorse for alot of things in my life but Mikayla, I hope you believe me when I say that this is the first time I am truly sorry about anything." He sighs to take a deep breath, his finger still grazing my cheek with a certain kind of comfort "I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I am sorry and I do regret this. I know I am responsible for your predicament. I know I am responsible for the fact you look this way. The fact you now have scars, physically and otherwise. I know it's my fault so please forgive me because I know that beating Jayce up ten times over won't fix anything but-"

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