Chapter Thirty Seven

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Warning: this is a mature/ explicit chapter and has sexual content.  However, the beginning is quite innocent so proceed until you see the second warning if you are skipping this chapter. For those that skip, I'll do a short summary at the beginning of next chapter so don't worry.


I knock on Matthew's door lightly, my heart beating harder than a fast paced drum. I stare down at my heels, my mind trying to convince myself to back away.
Afterall, my room is right opposite his but my heart won't let my legs move. So I stand here, hoping for the best.

After Kian walked away, I sat on the bench for over two hours delaying my fate. I knew what I was going to do. I knew I was going to talk to Matspt. To give whatever a chance. To not push. And now, here I am.

When the door swings open, I take a moment to myself before I look up to see him. He stands there, staring down at me with his hands tucked in both of his loose fitting pant pockets and I look on blankly, unsure how to communicate.

"What do you want, Mikayla?" He asks sharply, his eyes refusing to betray his true state of mind but yet, the darkness of his irises can simply not be concealed.

"Aren't you even going to let me in?" I ask in a small voice.

He looks at me for a long minute, obviously contemplating what to do and then, he grunts and steps aside for me to come in.

I take a deep breath before I do. I step deeper into his room, only stopping at the centre while he shuts the door and comes to stand right behind me. I turn slowly and his eyes greet me with anger I know I deserve.

"So because that boy didn't mark you, you're here to make me your consolation prize?"

"It's not like that and you know it," I counter, purposely not raising my voice as to not aggravate the situation. I set my lips into a rounded pout.

"Oh, so you didn't ask him to mark you?" He ask sharply, stepping into my space. I remain planted where I am. "And he didn't refuse to mark you?" He lowers his face slightly to mine, his breath unhinging when he adds, "you didn't share a kiss?"

My eyes widen at him and I take a small step back, unable to handle Matthew's burning twin coal eyes of accusation.

"I didn't see," he explains before I can even ask. "It's just Alpha kids scents are very strong. I should know, I'm one as well. And your face reeks of Kian. So tell me, why are you even here?"

I look at him, his anger visible on his face as the vein on the side of his neck protrudes conspicuously. I don't know what to say, what to answer. I don't even know why I am here. I just know that I am. I just know that something always brings me back to him. All the time.

"I can't even deal with this anymore," he forces out in a low voice that is more to himself than me as he clenches his fists. "Leave Mikayla, just go."

"Matt!" I plead in a shriek.

He locks his eyes at mine deeply when he repeats, "leave."

"I know I chose Kian. I know I pushed you away. I know and I'm sorry but you can't blame me when whatever we are, whatever we were could range from everything to anything to nothing. I know we weren't together. I know you didn't owe me anything. I do but that didn't make it hurt any less. It still doesn't," I look down now, trying to conceal my defeated temper as my heart begins to clench tightly in my chest. "If you want me to leave, I will. I've never forced myself or my feelings on you and I won't start now. I just want you to realise that you would be letting me walk away the same way I did. Making the same mistake I did. I also want you to know that I understand and if I was in your shoes, I probably wouldn't want me either."

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