Chapter Twenty Four

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A steady and continuous beat is sounding against my ear, infiltrating my being and calming me from within. Subtle and welcoming warmth coats my skin, it seeps into my pores blissfully and I let out a small muffled sound. I lift my groggy limbs to stretch, my tired body moving against something hard. When my outstretched fingers touch skin that isn’t mine, my heavy eyelids spring open.

The minute light floods into my pupils, the muscles in my brain go berserk and I lift my hand to my head as the signs of a ghastly headache begin.

I groan as I turn, curious to see who is in my bed and why. The hard chest is pressed against my own upper body and I begin to feel the way our bodies are intertwined together with my body lying on top.

Matthew’s eyes are wide when I find them. They are watching my rigid movements, my uncurtailed stirring and I just take in the way his head is positioned on two of my pillows, propped up ever so slightly. His hair is mussed and tattered, sticking out in all the wrong places.

“You?” I croak, my voice hoarse and the minute I speak, the painful throbbing within my skull begins. That doesn’t stop me from looking back at his nude chest beneath my bosom, my lace bra the only difference between us and full, uncensored nudity.

His fingers move up my spine, warming that portion of my skin as it goes and I glide off him with a small wince. Once I am off him, I lift up the sheets in a desperate attempt to confirm or my deny my suspicions.

He’s still fully dressed below. Okay, good.

“We didn’t have sex, Kay.” Matthew states in a lazy voice and then shifts within the sheets, sitting up as he does so.

“What are you even doing in my bed?” I question, trying to force my voice to come out firm but steadiness escapes me.

“You asked me to stay."He answers easily, turning so he can look at me now and I have to strain my pained eyes to keep them open. “More like begged me actually."

I force a frown, shaking my head to deny. “You’re lying. I wouldn’t do that.”

He only rolls his eyes at me.

“How sure are you about that?”

I gulp, not knowing what to say. The truth is that I’m not sure about it at all. All I know is that my head really hurts, my bones are so very tired, my throat is scratchy, my tongue tastes very bitter and my memories are a blur. The last thing I remember is sitting at a bar with Carter and drinking.

I shut my eyes at the realisation that I was drunk.

“What happened last night?” I ask dreadfully, my eyes opening to find a smiling Matthew.

“Believe me when I say that you don’t want to know.” He replies. “Take my advice Kay, alcohol isn’t your friend. Avoid it.”

“How did you end up in my bed, Matt?” I press on, moving further into my bed so that I can lean against the bed head for support.

Matthew sighs. “You asked me to stay saying that it helped with your nightmares and was something your brother used to do.”

I bite my bottom lip on that one. I guess he isn’t lying afterall because for the few days Logan was here, he used to sleep in my bed with me because there is something about a beating heart against my ear that helps with the nightmares. Something about it goes as far as even letting me have peaceful sleep.

“Did I have a night terror while you were with me all night?” I ask, wanting to fill in the gaps of my missing memory.

Matthew shakes his head. He then pushes his long black hair back. It relents and still falls over his eyes. He brushes it to the side. I think he needs a haircut.

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