Chapter Fifty Three

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The pounding on the front door echoed everywhere and I looked worriedly at Rionna, Matthew's smell reached me ever so slightly. Enzo looks at me, his eyebrows raised as he points towards the loud rumbling sound.

"You can't let him take her," Rionna insists, holding my hand and pleading with Enzo.

"There's very little I can do to stop him, Rionna but I'll try my best," he promises before leading the way out of the office.

Rionna and I follow behind Enzo. Matthew won't take me. I don't even need Enzo's or any other Alpha's protection on this one because Matthew will never have me again. Not while I breathe.

We walk through that dark hallway and when we get to the front door, the lady that had previously opened the door for Rionna and I looks petrified to open the door now. She walks away when she sees Enzo after giving him a sharp nod and I realise now that I have never heard a word exchanged between the pair because they are mind-linked.

When Enzo opens the door, Matthew saunters in, a wildness prevalent in his golden eyes. He smiles when he sees me, his eyes going soft until they dull down to their natural and ruthless dark brown. His scent sends my stomach into shambles and cripples my knees. He takes a step towards me and I take a step away from him.

He still looks the same, only less alive. His muscles look like they are wasting and the circles around his eyes are like pools of darkness. His skin looks dry and his dark brown hair that I used to love to feel looks brittle and hard. He doesn't look like he has gotten any sleep in a long time.

Good. He shouldn't sleep. He should suffer. He doesn't deserve any rest or peace of mind, even for a moment.

Rionna holds onto my arm when Matthew takes more steps towards me, until Enzo stops him. Enzo grabs his arm and Matthew's head whips to give him a dangerous glare. My breathing intensifies as several feelings send me into an internal frenzy.

"She's my mate, Enzo," is all he says. His voice is pleading, frustrated and angry. It has my heartbeat racing and a part of my brain dulling. The mate bond is messing with me. I must fight it.

"She doesn't want to see you, Matthew," Enzo replies firmly. He refuses to unhand Matthew and Matthew becomes restless.

"Then let her tell me that herself, Enzo," Matthew insists but Enzo doesn't let go of Matthew. Matthew doesn't want to fight Enzo, I can see it. I figure that it's partly because this is Enzo's territory and mostly because of me.

"Leave him, Enzo," I say and Rionna looks at me like I've gone mad, squeezing my hand. Enzo shoots me an unsure look. "I want to see the worst he thinks he can do to me."

"Are you crazy, Marie?" Rionna screams at me while Enzo reluctantly lets Matthew go. Matthew walks towards me. "Matt get lost! Haven't you caused her enough pain? Aren't you tired of this revenge, yet?"

"This is between Kay and I, cousin. Please stay out of it!" Matthew replies, not once looking at Rionna until he's before me. His eyes are locked against mine and it stirs me violently until his next action elicits a gasp from Rionna beside me.

Matthew gets on his knees before me.

It does little to faze me.

I look down out him, a frown now framing my lips. He looks up at me, eyes desperate for my concern but I only feel deep irritation. Matthew is at my feet. I never thought this day would come but now it's here. Matthew is exactly where he belongs; at my feet.

He hugs my legs suddenly, pulling me against him and my veins fill with an emotion I can't identify. The feeling I get from having this man so close to me has only my will bending my nature.

The DarkNess Within Him | ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें