Chapter Eleven

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Becoming Alpha meant I had quite alot to adjust to. Everything is heightened. My strength, my emotions, my appetite, my eyesight and my sense of smell among other things.

Of these heightened attributes though, the one I am coming to resent the most is the heightened sense of smell. Every single person that comes near me, I can smell all the people they've entertained sexually and it's beyond irksome.

The smell of whoever they've been with lingers on them like second skin. The scent trails around them like perfume to the point that I'm sure that if I concentrate well enough, I'll be able to identify whoever anyone has been with.

So I usually don't. Instead, I just ignore the scents but not this time. This is what brings me to ask Carter "Why didn't you tell me that you slept with Mer?"

Carter's eyes widen at me instantly, the hazel in them breathing shock when he says "But how did you-"

"Perks of being an Alpha." I shrug, staring at him from across my office table with a raised eyebrow, my eyes narrowed at his guilty outlook and the way sweat suddenly drips down his temple, trailing down his cheek. He doesn't speak. So I do. "Did it happen while I was gone or prior?"

"While you were gone." He admits, lifting his hand to wipe the sweat tumbling down his cheek.

"So much for being best friends!" I scoff lightly, sitting up straighter "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we tell each other everything or are you suddenly ashamed of the fact that I'm a woman as well?"

"Of course not Mikay!" Carter refutes, shaking his head several times "Mer and I broke up! I didn't think offering that information mattered anymore."

I take a deep breath and immediately regret it. Mer's scent around him is very overpowering. I reckon he was in her bed not too long ago.

"Talking about the break up" I clasp my fingers together and lean forward against the large mahogany table "You never told me why you two ended."

I see something flash across Carter's eyes that I can't identify. He tightens his jaw and grits his teeth while I tilt my head to the side and keep boring my eyes into his skin.

Another thing about being Alpha. I suddenly have the ability to stare people down with intensity and make them squirm.

Carter doesn't answer so I say "I thought you were smitten with Mer!"

Carter was always all over her when they were still together before I left. I actually thought he might end up marking her at some point. So imagine my shock when I got back and found out that they were over.

"Technically, she was the one smitten with me." Carter states abruptly, slinking within his seat to stare down at the table.

"And you went along with it." I deadpan, my voice very accusatory "You strung her along? Used her?"

His eyes darting to me and glazing with anger cannot be missed along with the way he immediately sits up straighter to face me pointedly.

"Don't use that tone with me!" He says quickly, years of friendship pulling out his courage to face me "You're not so innocent yourself."

I pinch my lips together, narrowing my eyes at him more ardently but he doesn't back down. He's too riled up for that.

"Need I remind you how you strung Mason along?" He retorts with a vengeance, hitting me where it hurts the most. The only thing I've ever done that I truly feel guilt over.

I flare up instantly, springing to my feet and slamming my balled fists against the large mahogany table in uproar. I feel Rae pushing through and willing me to strike Carter but somehow, I miraculously push her back.

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