Chapter Fourteen

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Stepping out of the post office, my steps are steady. I replied Jade's letter and after finishing my coffee, I decided to push all my reluctance to the side and come into the pack's town to deliver the letter to the post office.

Rae is restless within me currently because I didn't shift today. I was going to but after seeing Matthew shift this morning, I decided against it because I didn't want to run into him. I just hope no one upsets me today. A restless wolf is bad but a restless Alpha wolf is so much worse.

My eyes catch the look of my pack members, each one staring at me like I'm some sort of an alien. They all know that I'm the Alpha but from the way they all regard me with either detached or irritated eyes, I start to remember why I have been locked in my house and avoiding the town since my coronation.

But no, I'm the Alpha. Matthew is right. I need to stop being a coward and face my pack. I need to stop looking weak or like an in-confident Alpha. I won't avoid them anymore.

I walk away, making sure to push my shoulders back to appear confident and unaffected. Whoever dares look at my eyes, I match the look. If they shoot me a smile, I do the same but if they don't, I make sure to harden my features. I'm their leader. I won't be bullied by anyone's frowns.

No one dares to approach me as I walk home but the sounds I hear echoing through the air has my curiosity piqued. The still air of late morning is ruptured by chants and I decide to forego my walk home to investigate the commotion.

Several people run towards the noise, some of them kids and I wonder why they aren't in school until I realise that it's a weekend. The children push past me and soon enough, my scent is mingling with that of others as I enter into the large crowd in the main town square.

My eyes make contact with the plank cards and posters featuring my face and my knees go weak with their hatred, strange pain attacking me.

My face is on the plank cards and posters  held by mainly men and has inscriptions like 'Say NO to a female Alpha!', 'Say NO to an illegitimate Alpha!', 'We don't want Alpha Kayla!', 'Alpha Logan is our true Alpha!' and a few others. My eyes shift to gold at the same time I focus on the chants surrounding me.

The chants are from everyone. The men, women, children, every single one of them are all chanting how they don't want me as their Alpha. The chants are led by one man. I recognise him as Benjamin Crawford, a pack member that has simply never liked me. He's yelling out questions against my rule and everyone is chanting their synchronised replies. The chants go like this;

"Who is the true Alpha?"


"Who is the fraud?"

"Kayla the illegitimate woman!"

"Do we accept her?"


"Will we ever accept her?"


My blood begins to boil, the Alpha within me taking major offence to everything I am hearing and before I know it, every inch of me begins to vibrate. My skin heats up ferociously and my fists clench in anger. Rae within me wants vengeance for the protests against her. The protests that demean not me but her.

Everything begins to heat up. My shakes become redundant and powerful and then, in a voice so domineering that I don't even recognise it as it slips past my lips, I yell "ENOUGH!"

Instantly, the bellow of my command drowns out their chants. Everywhere goes quiet as everyone turns towards me, faces pale like as if they've all seen a ghost. Soon enough, they all make a path for me right down the middle, pushing into each other to let me come face to face with their leader Benjamin Crawford.

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