Preference #22: Huge Argument

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." you whispereing, looking at your feet but Patton backed away.

"just... don't." Patton said before walking upstairs, leaving you crying. why did you always end up pushing Patton away? this wasn't fair to either of you, why did it always end like this? you spent the night on the couch, crying yourself to sleep.


"Angel! I'm home!" Roman called out and you looked up from your notebook, stress on your face. Roman opened the door with a huge smile, some roses in his hand, he gave them to you before kneeling down to make eye contact.

"Roman..." you said, as a warning, looking at the roses, which you didn't accept. the joy faded from Roman's face at he looked at you. he scanned the notebook, all the bills on the counters, and your stress.

"Roman, what are we going to do?" you cried, looking down at all the debt, crying pathetically.

"it'll be okay love, we'll manage like we always have." Roman said, putting a hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off, glaring at him.

"don't touch me! you keep living in imagination, get you head out of the clouds and look at this!" you yelled, the stress and sleep deprivation turning into venomous words. Roman looked hurt as you continued.

"you always say it will be alright! get in touch with reality, Roman. get your head out of all those fanciful thoughts and be real for once in your miserable life! we are going to loose everything if we don't fix this! and here you are, wasting money on stupid things!" you screamed at him, throwing the flowers at the wall, while tears gathered in Roman's eyes. 

"please stop." Roman said, hurt in his soft tone. but you were to far, you knew you had taken it way to far, but you couldn't stop yourself as everything spewed everywhere.

"get a grip, and help me for once!" you screamed tears streaming down your face. Roman was crying, he'd never seen you this angry, and this hurt more than anything else.

"I just wanted to make you smile." Roman said, looking down, and it was then you were nearly snapped out of your trance but Roman was kneeling by the wall, picking up the broken bunch of roses, before he turned to you. while you cried.

"I just want you to smile, Angel... and obviously, I can't." he sniffled before running out, ignoring your calls as he ran to Remus house. you screamed in agony, walking over to the broken roses, you'd lost him, and you feared he would never come back.


"I'm just saying that a C-section would be safer for you and the child! everything could go wrong if you didn't! I can't lose you! I really can't, I've already lost you once!" Virgil yelled, while you just yelled back

"its my body and my child! and I don't want to go under surgery! I'm scared Virgil, why can't we just do it normally!? really, is it that hard?" you asked

"your endangering OUR child!" Virgil yelled back

"I'm just really scared, I don't want to have a C section! what if something goes wrong?" you asked, and Virgil fumed

"well what if something goes wrong the other way! your risking our childs life because you're too scared! I never thought you would be so selfish! " Virgil screamed, and you nearly slapped him

"Wow! really!? I had no idea! well at least I'm trying to be a good parent!" you said, now full on crying, damaged by the toxic words. 

"excuse me!" Virgil yelled back.

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