The Essence Of Glitter

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    The glitter on her face shifted with the lights. Purple and blue creating a sheen of tiny stars over her skin like the night sky. Everytime she moved new pieces of her beauty were highlighted. Her hair flew behind her. The whole world moved slowly, each breath a freeing lease of life.

    The spotlights made up a light flower. The crowds drowned out by darkness. That familiar cold wafted up from the ice. She held her hands up motionless, barely heard the clapping, arms straining as if she were looking for a ceiling. Something that could keep her trapped in this small place. There was nothing but cool air. Her muscles took over and she was left feeling the air surrounding her, holding her.

    Like how she moved through life, she left a certain sense of comfort and confidence wherever she trailed. A persons smile after finding pieces of glitter stuck to their locker, or pieces of sparkling magic near their self inflicted weapon of choice, the faint glittering inside their eyes becoming glitter in anothers heart.

    Back to the ice. She began to move, slowly at first, each movement thoughtfully planned and gracefully carried out. The music she had trained with so often had became a constant track inside her mind, it sped up and her arms frayed out with her conscience, the dance becoming more than just a dance, a part of her body and a part of her soul. The ice was thick and gleaming, thin tracks left from her skates weaved intricate circles. Her dark hair twirled in the air as she leapt, twisting around and around herself, her life becoming a twister of emotions and thoughts all joining to make a sea. A frozen sea which she peacefully danced across.

    Until she stopped dead in her tracks. Ice spraying.

    Her eyes locked onto anothers. The girl was standing at the edge of the rink. Almost white hair flowing down to her waist, strands of colour contrasting with the pale hair. Neon lines around her eyes caught the light at just the right angle. A fluorescent top hanging off one shoulder, net tights hugged her legs and a metallic blue skirt hung from her hips, a smile fluttering on the girls lips. She stood tall. The music changes to something she hasn't heard before.

    The girl steps on the ice, a few quick strokes and she is beside her, eyes closer, thoughts mingling. The newcomers skin is tinted blue and purple from the angle of the lights, flicks of glitter sparkled on the neon liner around her blue eyes. She smiled a sweet smile and circled her a few times.

    They joined hands and flew over the ice in time to the music. Both melding together, both becoming one with each other and the music, hands over hands. Skin over skin. Thoughts over thoughts. Mind over mind. They stepped off the ice to float in the air, stepping on stones of music notes, each series of sounds giving them another boost into the sky. They circled each other, spinning and spinning, everything sparkling and shining from the lights of the night, the air was cold but the cold where they feel so alive, a feeling swelling up in their chests like they are where they belong, where they are meant to be and-

    The spinning slows. Both left breathless. Both holding onto each other, high up above the clouds. Far away from earth. Dark shadows of tree tops blanket the planet below. They spun in the air, two lanterns illuminating each other. Alone with the ancestors of glitter. The only glitter that never fades. The first sprinkles of light that made people stare smiling in awe. Just them and a sea of lights, ripples made the shimmering spread far over the earth's surface. The stars danced above them, giving them bursts of new life, each pin prick of light different shades of blues, purples, whites and pinks.

    But just when all seemed right and good, the neon girl fell. She plummeted through the air towards the ice. The roaring wind in her ears melded with the sounds of the crowd cheering, her heart steady compared to the others. Watching the neon girl fall she felt a strange tang in her chest, like the peeling of glue off skin, something is missing. She took a deep breath and let herself go. Slowly catching up to the girl and reaching out for her hands. The second they are linked again the glue falls away. And she is left with a certain light shining from her. Like candlelight, it spreads along her arms to the neon girl and then they are both shining so bright that the force of the beams keep them from falling. Hovering again in the air.

    They circled the two girls, whispered words of amiability, slowly guiding them up to where glitter belongs. Away from the earth flooded with tears and sorrows, away from misunderstandings and anger, away from death wishes and murder, far from the human race.

    They held hands, encompassed by the stars, for centuries to come.

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