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"It cracked!"
The scream echos through the, now broken, silent house, the woman's shriek rattling the windows and the floor panels.

"It cracked!!" The woman's shouts grow closer as she hurries through the house. Almost falling three times she finally reaches the house owners room and she bursts into it with another shout, Bella, the house owner, looks up from her book with wide blue eyes. She arises from her seat and walks to her cleaner who is breathing hard from running,
"Calm yourself and speak to me about what has happened."
The house cleaner, Tellel, takes a few deep breaths to collect herself and then continues talking,
"The mirror has cracked, I was dusting in the room when I heard a cracking, I turned and I see the mirror. It has cracked! Come Bella, I must show you for yourself." Tellel then grabs Bella's wrist and once again runs through the house, dragging Bella with her.

They are standing in front of the mirror now, Bella's mouth slightly open her eyes wide as she takes in the sight before her. It has cracked alot more since Tellel first saw it, the cracks are now spread out from the edges of the mirror like cobwebs, and the surface of it... The colour is swirling around itself, like mist in the mirrors surface, and it is travelling along the cracks, like an invisible force is pulling the colour out of it along the cracks. Almost like the colour is leaking over the edge of the mirror. Bella rushes over to it and inspects it closely, muttering to herself about timing and dimensions.
The strange thing is she doesn't seem surprised. Not wanting to get involved with something big Tellel asks,
"Would you like me to clean anything else before I leave?"
Bella glances over at her from staring at the mirror, what she says surprises Tellel,
"Oh, could you stay over night? I might need some help moving this mirror."
Tellels head snaps up at the mention of staying over night.
"Oh, yes of course," She thinks about it for a few seconds, then asks,
"What time will we be moving the mirror?"
Bella looks back to the mirror,
"Maybe, twelve-ish? Yes, twelve. Could you stay til twelve?"
Tellel bows her head, not wanting to be asked to stay any longer than she has to. Of course it's twelve. Big scary mirror with swirling colours, of course it's twelve o'clock!
"Yes of course. Twelve it is."
Bella goes back to staring at the mirror with a sort of trance look in her eyes, what has she gotten herself into?

Tellel walks back through the house, with each step she walks a bit faster, not wanting to be called back into the room with that mirror longer than she has to. Now she has to stay overnight so Bella can move that mirror, but where to? And why? Knowing how things usually play out, she will get her answers soon enough.
Tellel reaches Bella's room and starts to fold away her clean clothes as a way to calm down. What is the mirror? Why is the surface so weird? Did the mirror crack the wall? How is that even possible? Nothing makes sense?! She throws down a shirt in frustration but quickly picks it up and neatly folds it.

She's tired of being kept in the dark of all Bella's plans and she wants it to change. Tellel decides to confront Bella about it, so she walks through the house once again and when she nears the door she slows.

"Bella, are you there? I need to talk to you for a..."
She trails off when she hears muttering in the room, as if Bella is talking to herself. She leans her ear against the door to hear better,

"I know but.... Yes I know but..... I do realise that..... I know that.... Yes yes..... I can't just kick her out! She has nowhere to go! Yes I know that but...."
She sighs and starts whispering to the empty room,
"Yes, of course. I will do that right away."
Tellel straightens up and acts like she was about to knock on the door, Bella opens the door and starts at the sight of Tellel.
"Oh, Tellel, how... How long where you standing there?"
"Not long ma'am why?"
"Oh that is good, and no reason, what is wrong?"
"Nothing ma'am just wondering what you would like for dinner tonight, as I am staying?"
"Just the normal please."
"Yes if course."
Tellel then walks away as calmly as she can, but when out of Bella's sight she hurries to the kitchen.

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