Grey Tiles

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    Grey tiles
    Your smile around guests is beautiful and the one I love
    The harsh words the second the lock clicks make me wish to run
    The constant nagging and shouting and degrading words
    You're like a ballerina, dancing on two toes on grey tiles
    Always spinning and twisting
    My words to make the situation cut my hair and my skin
    I love you and I hate you
    I wish you'd leave but no, I want to be the one to leave
    You make me pour my sadness through my eyes until my head pounds like your footsteps coming up the stairs
    Grey tiles, that's the colour of our old kitchen floor
    So many memories brought up by small things
    I will run away and smile so wide I'll feel free
    But for now I will sit here and drown out the insults with fantasy lands and self isolation
    The steady beat of the music helping my heart keep beating
    Until I close my eyes, and once again see those damned grey tiles

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