paths of ice

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    She looked as though she were flying. As if gravity didn't apply to her. As if he was the only thing pulling her down to earth. He tossed her up and threw her down, she always landed gracefully. The ice didn't melt beneath the heat of their embrace, didn't melt as her rage flew fire across his back, didn't melt as she used warm water to heal his skin. They worked together like magnets forgetting they were always joined. The wind worked with them as they flew over the ice at unimaginable speeds. His hands were all around her, her legs floating over her spinning limbs. The force of his gaze wasn't enough to keep her from skating away.
    But the music seemed to take a turn and suddenly she was gliding back into his arms, letting her trust in him pick her up and curve her body around his own, she tucked her leg into another tight spin and closed her eyes. In this lonely universe he and the ice were all that mattered, all she saw, all she felt, all she knew. Everything else fell away into a cloud of noise, drowned out by the crackling of the song that played in their ears. His hands on her stomach, lifting her high above him into the air. Using her weight to toss her into a twirl which she brought back down to earth. To the cold ice. Her legs folded and pain shot through her. But she didn't register it, using the loss of momentum to her advantage instead, using her low position to tuck head first into a roll across the ice. Skin grating and tearing but all that mattered still went on. The dance continues. Forevermore.

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