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We are all just broken skeletons
Pure white bones that blind us
Grasping at words like the last rope
Bones stick out but we cover them with cloth
Please, we plead, don't look at me don't see me
Bones carved with tiny words, inscribed
All along our arm and our cheek bones
All down our spine, the tiny words form a story
Our story is carved on our bones
On show for those around us
They shout, hey! Look at me! Look at my story!
We cover them with cloth
Cover them with fabric and steal the spotlight
Skeleton? We ask. I don't know what you mean
I'm whole, full, complete,
don't need another layer
What are we but bones?
Bones knitted together in a simple yet artist way
My words may be sad, they may tell a tale that makes you want to say, I'm sorry for you,
But I'm going to take my fabric away, and hand it
To you, you, the only one I trust.
I'll let you see my words, read my bones,
Read my essence
So hold my shirt and grab your glasses,
I'm not hiding my bones anymore
I won't hide what
Keeps me upright
Won't hide what keeps me solid
Yes. I am just a skeleton,
but my words I am proud of

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