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    Throat burning from the powder that I force down
    The sting bringing tears to the back of my eyes
    Take a sip of soothing soft water
    Record the time and add on four more hours
    Set the alarm, that's my next time. The break in my routine
    The time I'm back at this bottle
    Measuring out another dose
    Never sure if I'm actually happy or just the high off the legal dose
    What a life now
    Lean a bit too heavily on the door frame
    Look to the walls for support
    Keep watching the clock for the four hours up
    Watching all the time for the next dosage
    Feel like a stoner half the time
    Drowsy and dizzy
    But at least I can't feel a fucking thing
    Afraid to go longer without choking down the pain meds
    Might black out might black out might black out again
    God my brain should go form a choir

Portals To Another WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon