Christmas Cacti

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Okay yeah it says Christmas Cacti but I'm giving this to you for your birthdayyy

It's a snowy evening, cold and dark and the snow drifts are sparkling. But inside the room is warm, one corner of the room is bathed in gold light from fairy lights, the window ledge is lined with pots, painted in all different flags, trans, pan, demi, someone has tried to put tinsel around the cacti. Pan! At The Disco covering Christmas song plays in the background, yet the warm room is empty, the two people who live there both in the kitchen. They're making pie and singing along to those songs.
One has tinsel around her neck and is trying to get the other to stop waving around the roller in a weird dance. His smile is wide and genuine. When they finish making the pie they bring it into the living room.

The couch is squished and has balled up paper around it from someone's attempts to write. The wall behind it has a massive mural on it, the doors of the tardis flung wide open, the doctor with his hand reaching for you. In the window of the tardis you can just make out a boy in a black beanie with light pink flowers.
The music stops and they try to sit down, avoiding the old fat curled up cats.
Ending in a tangle of limbs, their arms around each other, his head in her lap, her fingers in his hair and her other hand is at the remote, trying to find something on Netflix to watch. On his belly is a cat, curled up with its tail motionless.
When they find a movie, the girl puts her hand over his mouth to show that she'll stop him talking during the movie.
"Lets watch Up." His voice muffled from her hand.
"I'm not gonna cry for an hour thanks to that movie."

Eventually the movie is almost over, the pie gone and the cats all asleep. His eyes fluttered shut about a half hour ago. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, his mind clear of all fleeting sorrow. When the credits scroll she switches off the tv, putting the remote down on the table and watching him sleep for a second. Then she's standing and laying his head down gently, draping a blanket over him. He's beautiful. And complex, the kind that you have to get to know to properly understand. She doesn't mind. He's amazing and everything to her.
When all the lights are off and the table cleared over she creeps back to the couch, laying beside him carefully and letting her heavy eyelids droop shut. She's warm and comfortable beside him. With him. He stirs just then, turning over onto his side, his breath rhythmic to her ears. She wishes she could lay here forever, keep him in a state of peace. But tomorrow must come and the sun must rise. Releasing new opportunities and mind sets.

I don't know what else to write
my hands freezing over the keys
yet still these thoughts are
sailing round my head

All I know is you mean more than anyone has to me, you're my best friend, the one I go to when it feels like everything is crumbling.
I laugh with you
I cry with you
I smile with you
I play with stars with you
You're the kindest person I've ever met
You mean the world to me and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you
You constantly inspire me
You make sure I take care of myself
You make everything blue and yellow and pink
I remember my head was spirling, my thoughts were going as fast as... uh something that goes fast and you literally said one sentence and I was calm? Like how?? Can you please stay in my life forever???
I'm calm
I just
I love you alot
In conclusion,
I hope you have a great birthday and
I'm happy you were born

Also you're the best boyfriend in history of ever
8pm cause I can *jazz hands*

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