pull a trigger darling

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// I wrote this stort story skyping with Alex, I blame him for this wreck. Also he owes me pancakes cause all he did was shout "let's make it darker... And shorter!" I love you you idiot\\

His hand tightened around the handle of the gun, looming over the kneeling woman. Despite being covered in blood, a soft smile graced her delicate features.

"Why are you happy? Hope won't save you now," he said gruffly, raising the muzzle to the centre of her forehead.

"Pull a trigger darling."

He pulled the trigger. The smile never left her face.
He whirls on his friend, who's doubled over in laughter. His hand shaking while pointing to the dead woman sprawled out on the floor.

"Why the hell are you laughing?"

"She's smiling!"

"And why are you laughing?"

"I didn't do it man!"

"Why, are you laughing?" He growls at his friend, pure violence on his tongue.

"Because whoever did is a freaking genius!"

"Want to fill me in here before I shoot you too?" The gun trains on his friend but the man doesn't stop laughing.

"Pull a trigger darling she wanted you to kill her! Don't you see?"

The blood has started pooling around her head and her neck. The red stain seeping through her blouse.

"I have no idea what you're saying."

His friend recovers from laughing and stoops to pick up something he dropped.

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