live, life and all things free

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    The castles hallways were in ruins.
    Shafts of light filtering from broken walls that let the sun shine through, a shawl of moss laid down on the floor by the lady of nature, the old bricks had cracks from which bright flowers grew. Fog clung to the moss creating a wistful atmosphere, every turn the girl made she expected to see a spirit. But the castle was abandoned.
    Time stood still here, but in the pleasant way that lets her heart rest and her breath to become soft and deep. Her footsteps were not heard, the flowing of her dress not echoing, and for all the time she was running her breathing did not turn frantic, each inhale of the fresh air renewing her strength.
    She ran down the corridor, music filling her head, her dress ripples in the air behind her and she flew.
    She flew.
    Every bad experience, every unwanted memory, every unwelcome thought, she was flying away from them. And with each step her heart became a little lighter.
    You do not know her. You do not know her past, or her interests.
    You see her only as a girl wearing a ballgown, running down an empty castles empty hallway.

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