Night Silence

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His crew said that she learnt her way of silence from feline cats. But he knew cats would gladly sit by her feet and purr for her to teach them her ways, she melded with the shadows, disappeared in a cloak of silence. But the thing about Nyx was that she had a special way of making you really hear her silence, feel as though the empty space around her was louder than any words she could say to you. This was one of those times. He couldn’t see her, only feel her presence wrapping itself around his throat slowly, gently. Clearing his throat, he makes the reckless decision to reach up and tear her silence from his neck.

“You got to Nikoli in time.”

The words seemed like an offering to the darkness and he suddenly felt like a fool. What he said seemed so small in comparison to what had just happened, like a kitten placed next to the great pyramids. But she replied in a formal tone.

“How did you know I would?”

“You always do.”

“You should have given me more warning. Idiot.”

His laugh was short lived, but it hung in the air for quite some time. He knew he couldn’t trust her, but he had come to depend on her. She was always exactly where he needed her, always in perfect time, without him telling her. She picked up on the most subtle movements in facial expressions, she picked up the words from people who never spoke. She knew him better than he did himself. Yet he still didn’t trust her. Kept it so that he could cut her out in an instant. She was a loose cannon that was loaded to the brim. She spoke again.

“If I hadn't gotten to him in time you’d be a dead idiot too. Give me more warning next time.”

“So, you admit there's a next time.”

“Where else would I be?”

They do this bit after every adventure. She would indirectly say she’ll be there for him next time and he’ll cover his relief with a timid attempt of mocking her, but she’ll ask a question that always brings more to his lips. He always swallows the words and resigns himself to her silence once again. Where else would she be? Why did she just appear one night and stick around? Why does she always come back? Why doesn’t she stay and go to the after celebrations with his crew? Where does she go at night? Who is she? They have a fragile bond, if she was working for the other side instead of him, then he and his crew would be destroyed by now. Easily. But no, she works with him and keeps him in the shadows of who she is. He wants to know more about her, he wants to know everything about her. Tonight is the night he’ll ask her. He imagines his hands rising and gently taking her silence in his fingers, slowly tugging it away from his skin, holding it in his lap. Calming the frantic side of its deadly stillness. But how would he ask everything he wants in a simple question when she is so distant and secretive. What does one ask when one wishes to know everything about other? Where does one begin?

“Who are you?”

Her silence jerks away from him. Whipping back to the woman who steps from the shadows. Her hair is tied the back of her neck, stray wisps of hair show how fast she ran tonight, her clothing all tight fitted and suited to exactly what she does. Her feet are bare, pale in the cold air. Soundless to step. Her eyes shone in the moonlight glare, grey and alive. Her gaze fixed on him, he thinks to himself that she looks angry, that she looks like she might lunge at him or run far away, never coming back. But something changes in her eyes, something wild bows down, turning soft.

“I am Nyx, Wraith of the city and spy to the few. I knew who you were before I saw you walk towards a loaded gun, before you covered the muzzle of it with your hand and spoke to the killer with a friendly tone. Before you looked into the shadows and upon my face in a plea for help to someone you didn’t know was there. I knew you and I knew you were the one I’d scale rooftops for. You haven't proven me wrong since.”

Just as she finished speaking, a cat had slumbered over to them and was rubbing its fur against her legs.

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