kind soul

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    It's a harsh cold world, they shout.
    But I see a kind soul walking it, their hands are gentle, hesitant and afraid but there nonetheless.
    Their smile may be rare, but when it shows it can light up the world.
    They wear headphones to escape cold thoughts, the notes and voices letting them wash everything else away.
    Like a river washing the banks so much that it rips the grass out, but again back to those gentle cautious hands soothing it out.
    Everytime they pick you up and dust you off they pull back, not knowing what they did, they don't see what they are, like an elf unknowing of its origin.
    Cautious and hesitant they watch for signs that will never come, a puzzle to be solved, but I can't crack the code. No colours appearing.
    They feel distant but their words so close, so knowing. A crystal stone beginning to crack, but a light glowing inside like the sea after a storm. Silent and still, unyielding yet tired.
    Curious and tentative, inplacable and unsure of me, no colours or feelings just the words laid out on a book of dust floating in the air. Screaming out questions but they don't hear, the voices rising and lowering in their mind, trapping the shadows out for now.

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