get me a coffee and i'll think about it

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    "If you want me out of your life, then just tell me to go! Tell me to get out! Tell me everything I've done wrong and scream at me to get out!"
    "No, I'm not going to do that because I have class and listing everything you've done wrong would take too long!"
    "Just tell me to go then!"
    "Am I the only one who cares about my history finals? I guess so! Now I'm late!" She rushes off in a flurry of curses. His face falls, he could go, he could turn around, walk away and never bother her again. But he finds himself waiting outside her class with a sandwich in case she's hungry.
    When she appears in the doorway, she stops so suddenly her hair is left floating down around her cheeks. Her face set in a gentle surprise. Twisting on her heel, she turns and hurries away from him. He follows her into the classroom.
    "What are you doing?" She asks.
    "I'm asking you to tell me to go."
    "You don't need me to that. You just want to me to say that so you have a solid reason to go." She cuts the air in front of her for emphasis. He takes a single step back.
    His voice was clipped but made of stone, his eyes were stormy and his hand flexed by his side.
    "You'd be better with me gone. You'd be happier."
    "Jesus, do you really think that? You just made me late for a class that I love and I still havent told you to leave? That's love if anything. You're my best friend and if I told you to go I'd be lying through my teeth! We've been through so much together. We became friends against all odds and we saw each other past expectations and past prejudices. Our friendship is something that I will never ask for an exit to. Never."
    "But you'd be happier."
    Her faces drops into a defeated staring contest with her shoes. Her sigh was loud but she looked back up at him. Something in her face was tired, exhausted even.
    "Get me a coffee and I'll think about it."
    She smiled until her cup was empty.

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