yummy creepy stories

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    Blood ran along their arms to their fingertips and then dripped to the floor. Each person slumped in their chair, shoulders curving inwards, their unbound hair pale and dirty. Two females and a male, but I could hardly make out their features beneath the layered blood and skin that was torn away and then replaced. As if he had tore strips of skin off but then regretted it. And then did it all over again. Tiny strings were visible which means he had- he had sown their skin back on. The humans intact skin was shallow, cheeks hollow and dried tears that made paths through the grime that covered all of them. The streaks of blood that had trekked across their skin imitated veins. My heart races at the sight of the rope that's cutting into their wrists. I do not think before plunging from the shadows to help. Oh this was a mistake but my hands are grappling with the knot already. My fingers stiff from the biting cold. All my thoughts concentrated on breaking them out.

    I heard the cracking as soon as it began. My head whipping around, searching desperately for wherever in the dark it had came from. It was her. I'm sure of it. Even now. She emerged and I felt like bricks were piling down my throat, weighing my stomach down to my boots. I don't have the words to describe her skin let along her appearance. The cracking came from her protruding bones, they clicked and cracked when she moved. She seemed to be missing two fingers from each hand, three wiry fingers stretched towards me. Her skin sent shivers down my back, a sweat forming on my forehead, an ashen mix of old black blood and a substance that was solid like skin but moved like liquid. Bile rose in my throat. The cracking turned to clicking and she wobbled closer, I was frozen in place, limbs not responding or listening to my head shouting go go go. Go.

    Those fingers grasped my body, my mind my soul my skin was shredded.

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