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    "Please, come away from that, listen to my words and let yourself sink into the air."

    Her eyes sparkled with longing,

    "I no longer wish to age the way they do, it won't stop until they blink out of existence. I don't want to be that. Suspend me in time and space like floating under the waters surface. Please slow down, realise that the crystals you make, they see as beautiful and wonderful, magic even."

    Her words, she gently took from her throat and placed them on the ground before me. Like diamonds that the sun hardly had to touch to make them shine as bright as a star.

    "They see your tears as the flowers that grow from the earth, they see them forming beautiful colours in the petals. They see your blood pooling at the key, not as your life seeping away, but as cherry blossom branches stretching for the sun. Every drop of ink you let fall forms a humans spectacular green eyes. Every piece of your hate that you shout into the clouds forms the thunderstorm that feeds their crop. Every time you experience love as though it's all consuming, it bleeds into their sky and makes the brightest sunrises. Can't you see that everything you do has a ripple effect? Something a thousand lightyears away could affect your tomorrow. Everything, every single emotion, that you feel has a purpose and a cause."

    She slowly opened her hand and spun diamonds around, tears that cascaded over her fingers. Defying gravity and running up her fingertips to float in the air.

    "Just like others affect you, you affect them. Trace yourself back to the star dust that formed a billion planets."

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