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Cold nights, open skies, hoping the floor doesn't creak.
Days blending into each other. 
Warm rigid air on your skin, intolerable and suffocating.
Claw at your scalp, these thoughts aren't yours.
Stare yourself down in the mirror, that isn't you.
My questions are layered you see, I'm not asking for what you think.
Always digging for reasons and facts, dirt under your nails,  ragged skin but you do not stop digging.
My word are picked with care, listen carefully for you might hear something for yourself.
Or maybe it's already said, floating out into the sky.
Simply stated and... left.
Shrill pianos made beautiful by the violins
He hides behind pretty pictures and shattered truths,
Riffling through the shards, carefully selected to wind and twist
180  turn and thinks that they didn't notice, that they are happy for it but no, that's not the case
They take the shards from him and drag the sharp side down their skin
Calm and content

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